April 28th Pre-Reg Open

Beverly Byers

Traverse City Staff
Announcing Registration for our April 28th Fair Event
The price for this event will be $20, and anyone who registers will get 50 goblin stamps and a full boat of protectives at game on just for doing it! You can do that by going to our website traversecitylarp.com and using the registration link. It is simple and easy and helps us determine treasure among many other things, so please help us out!​
Please include the following in your pre-reg:
  • Inform Logistics how you wish to spend any Build
  • If you have Spells, High Magic, and/or Production provide Logistics with how you want to use those skills.

Logistics Details:
Preregistration for this event will close at 11:59pm on April 23rd, 2018.
Please send the following information to: traverselogistics@gmail.com.
  • Inform Logistics of any temporary tags you need to trade in for permanent ones.
Site Information:

Brookside Commons Community Building

4155 Sprucewood Lane

Who All Is Coming?

Pre-Registered PCs:

  1. Matt Ferrara (Mathis)
  2. Victor Dueweke (Nommeric)
  3. Chris Ingebrigtsen (Link)
  4. Annette Smith (Avacyn)
  5. T.C. Bastin (Naomi)
  6. Taed Price (Grianadhmad)
  7. Evan Primeau (Velnaeus)
  8. Kierra Pendill (Saro)
  9. Travis Gilshire (?)
  10. Anique Puckett (Ahlana)
  11. Damien Puckett (Kunzio)
  12. Aidon Byers (Eragon)
  13. Jenn Pesavent (Mutt)
  14. Mike Long (Havok)
  15. Mia Long (Kai)
  16. Louis Murphy (Finch)
  17. Tom Andary (Casan)

Pre-Registered NPCs:
  1. Brigit Convery
  2. Tyler Anderson
  3. Cory Walker
  4. Beverly Sisco
  5. Chris Thetford
  6. Jared Sisco
  7. Joe Convery
  8. Matthew Byers
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Couple of questions for people traveling from outside the area.
  1. What time do you expect to get started?
  2. Will there be any issues with space to put on (or eventually remove) make-up?
  3. Any special instructions with respect to parking?
Looking forward to being part of this celebration.

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There are bathrooms on site for make up donning and removal. I don't know about parking, but the sight is the community building at Danny's apartment complex. To my understanding, lay on will be at 12 noon. Logistics should open 10-10:30, but not 100% on when Bev will be ready. Game will go until PCs have completed the plot and in game interactions or have decided they are done. The out of game auction will commence following end of game. If anyone has items they wish to donate, please bring them with you to logistics. We are looking for new or gently used in-game costume pieces, accessories, LARP weapons, banners/decorations, etc. Any non-LARP item should be gamer minded such new or gently used games, books, art, etc. Please keep in mind that this is to help raise money for the chapter.

Please remember to pre-register so that we make sure to have enough food, beverages, and chairs/table space.

In game considerations for this one day event:
1. All transforms will require a Shard of Arden to activate. But will remain active for the whole event.
2. There will be 1 opportunity for combat (optional for those who wish to participate, but not required for ALL to participate). Due to our location, we will have to go outside for said combat. Traverse got much snow last week, bring appropriate footwear should you wish to participate in the combat.

Looking forward to seeing everyone there!
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This may be a communication error between plot member, but to my knowledge and practice, this has always been the rule. This sounds like something that the plot team needs to discuss at our upcoming meeting as it appears not all members are not on the same page. Thank you for bringing this to my/our attention. The above post has been adjusted to include ALL transforms in the spirit of chapter equality and fairness to the PCs.
To clarify:

Transforms on PC island are always up. The island that this event is happening at is not PC island and shards will have to be used if you feel like absolutely need your transform. The Mists in general is very powerful magic and interferes. If it effects you cosmetically, i am fine with the costetic parts still happening, but any powers/abilities are like trying to suck through a pinched straw. You can sense it, but cannot draw enough power to do anything with it.

Transforms on Plot Island are subject to that Plot Runner's decision of how the Transform function. I know when this campaign started, we had originally discussed Shards powering transforms, but amended that idea to transforms were always on at PC island and optional on Plot Islands. The idea behind this if we had newer plot members, that they could opt out of having to deal with transforms or if we wanted to null magic island or whatever plot reason. Sorry this isn't very clear for out of chapter transforms, copy over our transform policy on the forums over the weekend (have them on on our printed Traverse City Transform cards).

I will also remind people, as here in Traverse we don't often run day events, that day events are different then weekend events. Day events are crafted with a specific situation/scenario in mind often in a single setting. Going off exploring other islands or chasing other plot objectives other then related to said scenario isn't going to fly. If there is any question or concerns, feel free to ask. Again this is an isolated event with specific purpose and scenario in mind.
Do to the nature of this event, and the very limited combat, may I be a dirty cheater and opt to leave linked/locked weapons home? If someone wants to murder me, they are still welcome to. I just don't want to haul it through the hall if it's not needed.
Note to future self: Never ever EVER link/lock weapons. It's super annoying.
How will the oog auction work? Will you take credit or will we need to have cash on hand?

Should be able to do both, as long as your card is accepted by Paypal.

Do to the nature of this event, and the very limited combat, may I be a dirty cheater and opt to leave linked/locked weapons home? If someone wants to murder me, they are still welcome to. I just don't want to haul it through the hall if it's not needed. Note to future self: Never ever EVER link/lock weapons. It's super annoying.

Note to self: spirt link every magic item this year and make them large. Especially the treasure chests.