April 29 event reports


NEPA Staff
Race TotalCharacters
Barbarian 4
Biata 6
Dryad 1
Dwarf 2
Elf 9
Gypsy 8
High_Orc 1
Hobling 1
Human 7
Mystic_Wood_Elf 5
Sarr 5
Total Players 49

Tuesday, Class TotalCharacters
Adept 5
Fighter 13
Rogue 5
Scholar 14
Scout 3
Templar 9
Total Players 49
Sex Total
Female 23
Male 37
Total Players 61
can't recall an event where roms were the #2 race, nice.
Sex Total 1? Why the heck would the DB track that?
think Kyle is just bragging
The database is a wondrous and mysterious thing..
To my knowledge, you might want to bump the "sex" count up to three. :ninja:
I really don't want to know these things.
Ezri said:
I really don't want to know these things.
Since there is no "like" button - :thumbsup:
No really. Pick whichever of my titles appeals to you at the moment - neither your GM nor the head of the Alliance Moderator Committee wants to see that on these forums.

Feel free to carry on with the rest of the discussion.
I'm sorry, Mich. I feel like I am always the gross one. :tears: I'm not doing it on purpose, promise!
Jovunn said:
To my knowledge, you might want to bump the "sex" count up to three. :ninja:

^I would also like to point out that this is either patently false or did not involve me XD