April 8th One Day Favorites, Feedback, etc

We hope everyone had a great time, we certainly did running for you.

We'd love to hear what you loved or hated.

Please leave us a message here or if you'd rather, send us an email (Matt@alliancesouthmichigan.com).

As an incentive to get your feedback, we'll put everyone who responds before April 21st into a drawing for 6 Dragon Stamps (enough to get you an extra Blanket if you choose).
Thanks to all the runners and staff who helped make such a great event.

OOG Stuff:
--Logistics was on point. I love that pre-regging makes the whole process 10 secs. "Oh hi Joe," flip flip flip, "Here's your card" It would be nice if we could get Ian the goblin bought stuff as well so it's one stop shopping. Traverse used to use manila envelops with character names, to store everything in. PC get's handed his envelop, looks through it, makes sure he got the right tags, CO coin, or whatever then returned the folder. Not sure if the envelopes fit those awesomely sleeved scrolls though. maybe a black clip holding stuff together?
--Food was great. The choice for croc-pot food ready all the time, versus a sit down meal was smart.
--I liked treasure at mod end. Thank you. Little hiccup with the double hook, but meh. No big deal.
--Start time was rough, but that's Larping. Nothing specific to this event or chapter.
--I'm on the fence with Mana. I'm not sure it's worth the logistical challenge it seems to be creating.
--Excellent repping from Monster camp. With masks/makeup and costuming. I thought 'Boots' looked particularly cool.
--No HTTs! wow. love it. The magic sword had a rep, which was friggin Latex! It actually confused me at the time. I thought "nah, this can't be the right rep. Hey Travis is this a long sword or a short sword." he points to the sword on the table. "Oh. OH!"
--Costuming in general at the chapter is improving. I like all the people raising the bar. That being said, I need to buy a yellow shirt from someplace online. Anyone used an online retailer for costuming they liked?

IG Stuff:
--In general, Lot's of great stuff happening. Certainly an information overload event. This event felt more like a two-day in terms of "Here's a bunch of stuff, or people to talk to, who wants to do what?" which I think is good. It certainly caught me by surprise, and I'm glad that happened before the full weekend events.
--Mod Travel feels a bit wonky in Thorncryf, probably because we're used to stones. And I know their are probably IG ways to get them in Thorncryf. The Selunari Chad played, helped us travel from mist to wherever we were at the start. Then Boots the kobold moved us around some. I kinda felt a little lost IG, if I wanted to do something, I'm not sure how I'd get there, without NPC help. Maybe that's just my own issue. Could we 'Walk into the woods" head to monster camp and reasonably get to whatever point of interest we want in the Duchy? (barring IG factors, just talking pure walking time)
--I like the fact that Thorncryf 'feels' like it's own pocket mist place, with different rules and effects.
--The site felt alive. It wasn't an oog staging area that we left to go on mods for. Biata came in, and spied/stole stuff. It was very much a small town.
--I liked all the little plots that seemed connected. Biata, Kobolds, Jared, Thaum, elementals, Loyalists, spiders it's a little terrarium of concentrated plot.

Favorite moment:
Probably the Troll Daddy vision. A cool visual story from Travis, and an IG hook to investigate further. It was unexpected, and awesome.
I also liked Nigel and Dusty Von Dustinson conversing.
I had a lot of fun on the newbie spider mod. I need to start a guild.

Everyone knows Gideon needs the build for Empowered Visions. :D

This is like a mirror to preregistering. If you don't voice your concerns, publicly or privately to the chapter, you shouldn't complain to your friends. I really like complaining to my friends, so I have to let you guys know. The chapter is listening and has been adjusting to feedback, just between the two one-days subtle things changed.

Make your voice heard, improve the game.

I would like to hear from plot how they thought the event went as well. I'm sure you don't want to bias the feedback, but maybe after the 21st deadline or something.

Thanks plot team for making this one day feel really fleshed out.
I really enjoyed the research mod, as I felt it "scaled" nicely as the kobolds sent their stronger fighters, letting us get just enough time between them to try to puzzle. Going to the big kobold fight, I had a great time as always trying to fight a literal horde of npcs only to realize I was one of the only people still standing. I want to apologize for causing the treasure confusion though, as Ian and I swapped to Npc after when I think some assumed we were going for treasure.
My only negative for one days in general is trying to figure out what time it is, as weekends have obvious markers (sundown, exhaustion/bluethirty, lunch) but that's more of a personal thing. I'm enjoying these opening one days of nothing else for the fact that I get a lot of interesting RP done (welcoming Colette to the pride, talking with radi) when there isn't a major goal, but rather a bunch of hooks for things to do.

Sidenote that I forgot, I'm excited that boots is still alive. I think after 5 years he's earned Ardos' highly sought after "Fancy hat"
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Hello SoMi -

I thought this one day was amazing! Weather was perfect !

- logistics was super fast and effective check in!
Everything I had and it was a lot was ready to go!

- location and travel to location IG was very well handled- felt like we were not "home" and I like that! It was helped that like most NPCs , including hostile (?) biata - came to look at the weird travelers and possibly ask their help.

- visions - awesome info and I love how it was given!!!
IG I love how the vision stuff is played but oog I love how our plot are handling it- each vision feels like it is new and well thought out!!

- all NPCs looked amazing!! Well done plot on outfitting your people! Thank you for the immersion

- lunch - yummy as always and it was nice to grab it as we were there - staggered worked for the small kitchen :-)

- loved Nigel and his "escort"- not overly excited about the upcoming war... and that Nigel will likely be hurt:-(

- new favorite quote about Cyn -
Cyn "what is the the plane of dust like?"
Dust Elemental- "oh you- you should come to the plane of dust!"
Everyone - "No Cyn should not!"
Cyn- "Why not?"
Mathis - "because you are a delicate cinnamon roll that is too good for this world Cyn"

- shadow walking is cool!

- those elementals were super fun to fight- I enjoyed Ian's elemental a lot.

- remembering not to turn my back on Kobal....

- Dave very well done on the first mod you ran !!! Congrats on that!!!

- treasure was a tad confusing ... but I believe there are already talks to improve that small hiccup :-)

- it was too short lol

Thanks again guys!

Nette - (followed by my Ingame signature I have no idea how to stop- sorry)

Lady IronRose of Storm's Rose
Special Envoy of King Grimlock to Dragonreach
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
As always, I really enjoyed the event.

A few notes:

- Similar to Joe's comment above, it seemed almost "convenient" that there was somebody nearby to take us where we needed to go. Perhaps this is different due to the fact that there aren't any Waymaker Stones there, and people have had to learn how to fast travel in their own way in Thorncryf, or if it was only set up that way for OOG purposes of one-day logsitics, but it felt slightly strange.
- Glad to hear logistics is going well for the PCs. There are still a few hiccups I want to improve on, and I think we should be ready to roll by the opener! Thanks for your patience. :)

- Playing that elemental kicked me the next morning. I was exhausted! NPCing is WAY more intense than playing Banradi
- I am consistently impressed that we don't go from one plot line to the next, and that we are truly playing in a world. There's so much going on right now after we've defeated Bleak, and it's fun in and of itself to determine what needs adventurer interaction and what doesn't.
-Adding to the above, The Borderlands definitely feel like it's its own place with their own problems. This pocket of mist could be an entirely different chapter.
- New RP moments with people who Radi hasn't interacted with recently. The look on Sloane's face was priceless. I'm interested to see where Radi's emotions go this season once we start into the weekend events.
-Another Ardos/Radi alone time moment <3
-The research mod. Radi hates puzzles, but the way it was done really made him dive in and actually put some effort into solving it.
-All of the new props, costumes, and lack of HTTs. Super well done! It really makes a big difference.
-For only 3 of you, and the fact that there was only 1 double hook, it seemed like there was always 8 different things going on at once. Well done.

Ian (Followed by Annette's IG signature I have no idea how that happened :P )

Lady IronRose of Storm's Rose
Special Envoy of King Grimlock to Dragonreach
Founder of Forgotten Hope

"My Life For Theirs"
"Defending the Dealings of Time and Space"
New con: I missed a puzzle mod.
Ohhh Pro-- I got to hug a horse!!!

Yes I know this is pure chance !

Ha! Thanks Joe!
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I am enjoying the world building you guys are doing behind the scenes, its easy to forget that the world continue to exist while the PCs are not actively in it.

Food was tasty and there was plenty of it!

Some IBGA timelines would be very helpful as a side note. I don't see this years rules on them, when we can send them in, when we should expect them, and what we are allowed to do in them.