April Event: Pre-Pay and Pre-Reg deadlines

Alliance Seattle's next event is April 4-6 at Millersylvania State Park ELC. This event will be a Fortannis game, like every game in the past.

You may Pre-Pay this event by using Paypal to send $46.60 to allianceseattle@gmail.com. Don't forget to put down your character name. Do not send your pre-registration to this address. Pre-Pay pricing ends March 17th, in just over 3 weeks. In order to qualify for the Pre-Pay price so that you do not owe money at the door, you must also Pre-Register. Pre-Registration must be sent to logistics@alliance-seattle.com by March 28.

If you Pre-Register by March 28 but do not Pre-Pay, your at-the-door price will be $55. If you neither pre-pay nor pre-register the cost at-the-door will be $65.

If you intend to NPC, the cost will be $20 at-the-door if you let plot know you will be attending by March 28, or $25 at-the-door if you do not.

Current list of Pre-Pays received as of: March 19, 2008
Seth Bird (Pre-paid for, like, ever.)
Matt Oostman
Carmen Swift
Jeremy Huff
Leigh-Ann Magill
Amanda Glenn

Jesse Huff
Also be aware that, if we get enough pre-pays we can make NPCing free for the event, thus more NPC's will come!
Yes and Yes.
You may pre-pay for any posted event in advance, so long as the events you are paying for are explicitly laid out in the notes section of your Paypal payment for ease of record keeping. Please keep in mind that the two events with date TBD in October and December have not yet been set, so it is possible that we will not have the site (or even month) for certain until they are. As soon as they are certain, they will be posted for sure. It was our intention to set them this week with the profit from the 3 day, but the event happened to also highlight our terrible shortage of coin, which must be rectified first. For more information on that, see the related thread.
What about pay-no-playing? I cannot make it up for the April event; can I do pay-no-play at the super pre-reg price? Or another amount?

I checked this thread today and thought "crap thats less than a week away."

Anyhow the check is in the mail for Jeremy and I. As long as you didn't move in the last two months, it should be there by the March 17th Pre-pay deadline.
Nope, didn't move. My address is still current. If anyone else would like it, PM me.
The easiest thing to do is still pay via Paypal.
So far we're really short on pre-pays, and the deadline is coming up soon.
You don't want to pay more, do you? :P