April Event Teaser - A Faery Nice Spring Weekend

Strava Plot

Gettysburg Staff
The Elder and Younger of the Spring Eternal Lands want to honor Tala-shee and celebrate the arrival of Springtime in Barran. They, with cooperation from Barran's Guilds, have set up a weekend of gaiety and fun to celebrate the Sugar Sun and the tireless Adventurers in Fury Falls. The area of Fury Falls has various courses, martial circles, and other lighthearted enjoyment prepared for Adventurer participation. Even the more serious organizations are offering their support.

The Guilds of Barran and the local Elder and Younger call upon any who are young in spirit or need their spirits lifted to join our games in Fury Falls! There will be scavenger hunts, Hunter games, martial and magical circles, Alchemist's Roulette, and even a Hearth and Home Bake-off!!

Prizes and fun to be had! May our hard-fought days be rested, if even for a weekend.