April Event, Who's Coming?


Gettysburg Staff
So who's coming? PC or NPC?

In all seriousness, knowing who's NPCing would be incredibly useful...
I'm coming to PC, but I will NPC for 6 hours (whenever you most need me that isn't during a food service time because I've volunteered for all the food service times)
I'm HOPING to be there as Kamryn, but right now teaching stuffs and funds are making it a little dicey. Mostly funds.
I'll more than likely be there as an NPC.
Ezri said:
I'm HOPING to be there as Kamryn, but right now teaching stuffs and funds are making it a little dicey. Mostly funds.

Similarly I'm Hopping (not mispelled, it's a pun!) to be there with my rabbit again.
I will be there to PC Lanna again.

Rob maybe you should add a fence jump section to the PC form so Npc camp can know who is gonna switch for a bit. Just a thought.
I'll be there as Pierce Hawthorne.

...Uh, I mean V. Sometimes I get my racist old people confused.
Robb Graves said:
:/ Do the registration forms not provide this exact data?

If they're not working for you, let me know how to improve them. Thanks!


Yes, they do, but we are trying to get an idea of what PCs and NPCs will be there before they have to fill out the forms.
In general guys, If you are pretty sure you are going to be at the April event (even if its a coin toss)

PLEASE PRE-REGISTER and get your character transferred NOW.
Its only two weeks away.

That give my logistics guy a chance to get the stuff together well in advance of the event.

****PS**** we are looking for an NPC volunteer who will be on site earlier than the normal crowd to help tyson in logistics with taking care of any last minute changes and updates to character cards. Let us know by e-mailing tyson at barran.logistics@gmail.com

Thank you =) :thumbsup:
The littlest Tharune will be back in town again.
I should be there to PC Saturday night into Sunday. If you need I can npc
I'll be pcing Rayna again! Will be sending my pre-reg in this morning if all goes according to plan.
I'm also hoping to PC, but as someone who's perpetually broke, I won't know until the last minute. I'm happy to NPC if you guys need me though!