April Fools 2013.


Having recently finished the legal Paperwork, Alliance Southern Minnesota is proud to announce that we are going public with a Limited IPO on April 15th!

Here are the Details, as of April 15th you may buy Alliance Southern Minnesota Stock (AMS) as long as shares hold out. The initial offering will create 10000 shares of which 4499 will be available for purchase, and 500 shares are reserved for staff stock options (yes this leaves a controlling interest in my hands)

The initial intend share price is to be set at $2.50 per and we intend to reinvest the revenue generated into our game..

As a stock holder you will recieve the following benefits.

Voting Rights - A special section on our website, available only to share holders to vote on our policies and even occasional plot line decisions, each share gets you one 'vote'. The holder of the controlling 5001 shares may, or may not choose to vote on these issues.

Dividends - Based on profit at each fiscal year you will receive a dividend equal to your number of shares/Total profit after all bills are paid. This will be a cash payment as legally I can't structure it otherwise, but anyone not opting out will automatically have their dividends converted to donations at a 15:1 ratio!

Recognition - The largest share holders will hold a place of honor on the Forums (With a unique, Fushia colored name) and the website listed on the share-holders page.

Right of Sale - SoMN will maintain a market place where you will be able to buy and sell your shares for a 10% administration fee. Please note that due to the small market, shares will likely not always be available to buy, so act quickly before the shares are gone!

We hope that many people will be able to take advantage of this truly unique opportunity!
Re: Alliance Southern Minnesota Going Public

Dave you should have let me know ahead of time, we could have had a roadshow to identify potential investors. I am certain I could have gotten you an IPO price higher than $2.50...



EDIT: Having personally purchased all of the available shares, I will be selling my own holdings in lots of 50 shares. Until I have an online exchange setup, feel free to PM me with your bid price, and I will respond with the current ask price.
Re: Alliance Southern Minnesota Going Public

Dr_Chill said:
Dave you should have let me know ahead of time, we could have had a roadshow to identify potential investors. I am certain I could have gotten you an IPO price higher than $2.50...



EDIT: Having personally purchased all of the available shares, I will be selling my own holdings in lots of 50 shares. Until I have an online exchange setup, feel free to PM me with your bid price, and I will respond with the current ask price.


Got your e-mail and paypal, I've refunded the amount, unlike many larger stock offerings we will not be 'pre-selling' (there is a massive amount of additional paperwork to do so) so if interest is high enough the initial sales might well sell above $2.50 as the highest priced buy orders will be filled first.

Thanks for your interest!

Re: Alliance Southern Minnesota Going Public

So... If you NPC an event, is taking a share an option instead of the blanket or the MI pick?

Re: Alliance Southern Minnesota Going Public

No, Staff options will be doled out slowly over time for long term positions.
Re: Alliance Southern Minnesota Going Public

Good one this year Dave, had me for a little bit.
Re: Alliance Southern Minnesota Going Public

DracoIam said:
Good one this year Dave, had me for a little bit.
Wait... So... It's... It's a joke? Dang it, I was super excited to explore the world of stock market economics...
Re: Alliance Southern Minnesota Going Public

DracoIam said:
Good one this year Dave, had me for a little bit.

Despite the date, I'll point out that the yearly joke has already been posted here -> viewtopic.php?f=5&t=16050

Stock sale laws require specific timing on the announcement of intent to sell etc. that I have to comply with.
Re: Alliance Southern Minnesota Going Public

I thought you would have gone non profit not public.
Re: Alliance Southern Minnesota Going Public

We don't qualify for non-public as an entertainment group (trust me I've looked) the only way to go non-profit or even not for profit would be to lie and I'm not willing to do that, this was the other option.
Re: Alliance Southern Minnesota Going Public

I do feel the IPO will personally only go up after launch. $2.50 is a steal and I can easily see it going to Tree Fiddy after the opening bell. Paypal payment will be coming shortly for whatever Mr. Burke hasn't purchased.
Re: Alliance Southern Minnesota Going Public

It's not 2.2 dollars? You missed a serious opportunity here, Dave.
That's right it was all a trick! although judging from the response maybe it shouldn't be lol.