April fools 2015


Chicago Staff
As Head of Plot for 2015, I decided it would be more interesting to have each event feel more episodic, and have more of a central theme. I was going to reveal the name for the March event, but simply forgot. Please try not to meta game knowing the names of each weekend. Rob will add them to the main event list shortly (as I don't have admin rights to change his post).

March: "I am above the law!" A True Name Bandit Story
Adventurers must make a choice to respect the Prince and his new tyrant laws or join hands with a True Name Bandit against false claims of unsanctioned magical circles of power...

May: The Awakening of Targus
Five years ago Targus was taken down by the Adventurers of Briar Pass. Unknown to them, the creature known as Menra has been searching libraries to collect a limb of Targus in hopes to revive the one true king.

June: Revenge of The Kobalt Emperor
The Great Kobold Nation has appeared from out of the shadows and seek revenge against the Blue Destroyer who murdered their leader. Will such an act cause another war, or will the Adventurers give in to justice?

August: The Count of Su L'air
Having discovered Count Zelos' true intentions, the Adventurers travel to the remote island of Su L'air to uncover the golden egg that will trap The Count forever; thus saving the cattle economy for another 10 years.

September: Mid Summer Nights Dream: Summoning of Igneohex
For 3 long years The Nine have been plotting to summon the ultimate being again. Will Adventurers be able to stop them in time, or will history repeat itself once more? That is, if they can defeat Big Red first.

October: A Duchal Ball
Duke Monteque is throwing a ball for Duchess Fairfax, however things go horribly wrong when his goblin servants ordered the wrong food and decorations. Will Adventures be able to save the ball in time; or will Duchess Fairfax have yet another ruined party?

November: The Curse of The White Pearl
The Kingdom of Wayside falls victim to a terrible curse when when King Kaarl Grimlock forgets to give the Queen a 20th anniversary present. Will Adventurers be able to lift this terrible curse, or will Wayside face the hell of a woman scorned?

I look forward to our Season Opener in 6 weeks and I hope you can get hyped for these events!

Does this mean I need some new threads by October?
Seeing as Duke Monteque is a Medusa (woah spoilers!) and really just wears a purple robe, it's likely you can go to the ball with rags and non-matching shoes. Though you may just get odd looks.
Let me change my IBGA really quick. I must learn more about this golden egg!
Happy April Fools, but in all seriousness watch for real event names and teasers to be posted before each event.
But, I Wanted the moral high ground to kill the 9, and Big Red. Shoot. ;)

But I wanted to ask Draco to go to the ball with me... Then run into the bathroom crying for no reason.