April Fools Teaser

"The return of returns"

With the impending return of of the Igneohex the forces of evil once again stir. Gypsies are once again scorned as they again become the heralds of undead and children whisper dreams of "The a hero in a white tower" while the populace fears a powerful ice beast known only as "The Hoarfrost". The elements rage against each other out of balance as the drums of the Orcish tribes beats a steady of revenge and war. Oh yeah, and brood too.

Can the adventurers face old threats once again? Will the red and white banner finally fall? Can a Fae defeat the Star? Who will inherit the tavern?

Come find these and other answers at our season opener! A Free event brought to you by a generous donation of Pasha Poot and his "favorites".

Bring on the chocolate sauce!
Re: April Opener Teaser

You guys are mean, mean, and wait mean. But thank goodness this is not going to happen. I almost threw something at Rob. :mad:

I will so get you back for this April Fools joke.

Re: April Opener Teaser

Well, you have a whole year to plan for next year.
Re: April Opener Teaser

nice! :D

Igniohex, what a ****... :thumbsup:
Re: April Opener Teaser

Why stop at 1 Igniohex, we could have taken 2...or 3.
Re: April Opener Teaser

Right...ignohex's two brothers...I've heard something about those.
Re: April Opener Teaser

I wish that Pasha Poot's mere existence was an April Fool's joke...

I still need to exact my revenge, Paul. ;)
Re: April Opener Teaser

I don't understand why you are upset, you were a "favorite" after all! :twisted:
Re: April Opener Teaser

I don't know why Nate agreed to the biker shorts and you agreed to what you had....but you guys have guts, that's for sure. It was a pretty sweet mod though, especially the stealthiness the PCs needed to do prior.
It was a lot of fun and I am sorry to both Alexander and Nathan for the roles they had to play. On the plus side, you'll probably have to deal with him this year at some point In Characrer.

Amanda, good luck topping the look on your face...:P
Whew! And to think I had gone ahead and planned on coming up for it since it said there was more gypsy turmoil brewing, but since it was a joke I guess I won't have to after all!

That was close.

We can manufacture turmoil anytime you have a weekend off Jeff.