PASS ARC Rules Proposal: Spark

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Jack Y.

Assistant General Manager
Summary: Changes the "Spark" scholarly skill, to include changes in Spark function, the high magic ability Oak of the Archmage, and usability with objects acting as a source. Adds a new high magic ability, two new ritual effects, and two new Superior Equipments.

Note: This vote constitutes a major change to the Spark skill. If your character currently has Spark purchased and you no longer wish to use it due to this change, please contact with your Player name as it appears in the CMA and your character ID. We will refund the purchase of Spark from your card at no Goblin Stamp expense.

Proposal: Based on discussion with and feedback from Members, change Spark to be more in line with other scholar skills while also allowing Celestial-focused scholars a wider array of options.

Summary of Changes: Spark gets updated to an attack using a pool of ten packets dealing 5 damage using the Weapon qualifier and resettable via meditation, usable with a source or item acting as a source. A sufficient investment in Earth and/or Celestial magic allows the user to flavor the attacks appropriately. Elemental Sparks is added as a High Magic ability to allow Celestial focused characters the ability to utilize the Elemental Qualifier with their Spark attacks. Oak of the Archmage is adjusted to allow for use with Spark. Included are two new rituals and two new superior equipment options to deepen the gameplay.

Full Text Changes: Page 68, 81


Prereq: 15 Scholarly XP
XP costs: Unchanged
Allows a character to throw 10 packet attacks of “5 Normal” using a Source or item acting as one. The packet count for this ability can be reset by Meditating.
If the user has a 5th level Earth spell slot, they may instead use the Healing or Chaos effect for these attacks, as appropriate to the Source or item being used.
If the user has a 5th level Celestial spell slot, they may instead use the Flame, Ice, Stone, or Lightning effect for these attacks, as appropriate to the Source or item being used.
This damage cannot be increased in any way.

New High Magic Ability:

Elemental Sparks
Prereq: Spark, At least one 5th level Celestial spell slot
3 Celestial High Magic points
Allows a character wielding a Wand or item acting as one to add the Elemental qualifier to their Spark attacks. This may not be used with either the Healing or Chaos effects. The resulting verbal will be “Elemental 5 <element>”.

Adjusted High Magic Ability (changes in red):

Oak of the Archmage
Oak of the Archmage allows a caster to use a Staff as a Source, as well as deliver their Channeling and Spark attacks and Signature Spells via weapon attacks. The caster must have the Staff Skill to use this ability. Having a staff shattered, lost, or stolen does not end the Oak of the Archmage Effect.

When Oak of the Archmage is chosen, the character must select a single element appropriate to their Channeling pool(s). The character can now use any staff in their possession as a Source of that element. This ability may be purchased multiple times to allow for multiple elements.

When attacking with a staff, the character may now expend Channeling Points, up to their normal maximum, with the verbal “Elemental Strike <Effect>”. The maximum limit may be raised through the Greater Source Ritual.

The character may expend a packet attack from Spark to attack with their staff with the verbal “5 <Effect>”, using the Effect appropriate to the purchased Oak of the Archmage ability. If the character has the Elemental Sparks High Magic ability, they may instead use the verbal “Elemental 5 <Effect>”.

Finally, the character may expend a Signature Spell from memory to attack with their staff with the call “Spell Strike <Effect>”, using the Effect of the expended Signature Spell.

New Ritual Effects:

Spark of Memory​

Catalyst Required:
May Be Extended:
20 LP
Casting Time:
Ritual Target Type:
Item [Staff or Source]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:
NPC Only Ritual:
Role Play Only:

This Ritual allows the wielder of the Target Staff or Wand to expend a charge of this Ritual and, for the next 10 minutes, any missed thrown Spark attacks allow the character to immediately make another attack using the same verbal as the missed attack.

This ritual requires 2 reagents to cast as listed on the ritual scroll.

This ritual may NOT be spellcrafted.

Magical Source​

Catalyst Required:
May Be Extended:
20 LP
Casting Time:
Ritual Target Type:
Item [Staff or Wand]
Ritual Choice:
Scroll Type:
NPC Only Ritual:
Role Play Only:

The Magical Source Ritual enchants a Target Staff or Wand that upon activation, allows the wielder the ability to use the Magic effect for any number of Spark or Celestial Channeling attacks made with the Target Staff or Wand within the next ten minutes.

This Ritual requires a minimum of 4 Reagents to cast. Any additional Reagents required by the Ritual should be of the same types as listed on the Ritual scroll.

6:4 Reagents - one charge per Logistics period
9:5 Reagents - two charges per Logistics period
12:6 Reagents - three charges per Logistics period

Spellcraft Difficulty:
Spellcraft Cost:
Spellcraft Duration:
5 days
Spellcraft Incant:

New Superior Equipment Effects:

Wand of Abundance
Skill Requirement: Inscription 5
Duration: 3 times ever
Ingredients: Celestial Source, 3 Ink, 4 Vellum
Target: Item <Celestial Source>
Upon the completion of a successful Meditation to restore the user’s number of Spark packets, the character may expend a charge of this item to increase the total amount of Spark packets for this use to 15. Once the character Meditates again to restore Spark charges, the total amount of Spark packets is reduced back to 10.

Relic of Rejuvenation
Skill Requirement: Brewing 5
Duration: 3 times ever
Ingredients: Earth Source, 5 Herbs, 10 Vellum
Target: Item <Earth Source>
Upon the completion of a successful First Aid, the user may expend all remaining Spark packets and a charge of this item to deliver “Elemental X <Healing/Chaos>” to the target of the First Aid, where X is 5 times the number of Spark packets expended. The time for this First Aid can only be decreased through the Brewing skill.

Vote: ARC Rules Proposal: Spark [PASS - 27.3% Nay]
The following chapters voted for this policy: New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Minnesota, Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations:

Conversation for included request for discussion of Enhance Meditate's XP cost being significant and a possible barrier for new players interacting with adjusted Spark.

Conversation against were headed up by concerns about adding complexity to the game while players are in the process of adjusting to recent changes to prevent inadvertent rules infractions. Other concerns included the addition of an elemental (evocation) Effect replacing "normal" with a 5th level spell slot not being in line with the cost for Channel Foundation Element high magic ability (5 points of high magic). Elemental Sparks granting unlimited Elemental qualifier attacks was also raised as a detriment in the vote.

Clarifications were added that the cost of Spark has not been adjusted in order to maintain the validity of cards, especially those of lower-level players. Although the Elemental Sparks high magic ability is powerful, it cannot have the "Strike" qualifier appended to the attacks. Allowing players to be able to change the effect of their Elemental Sparks also cuts off a repeated purchase model for each element that would heavily tax newer players.
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