PASS ARC Rules Proposal: Swarm

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Jack Y.

Assistant General Manager
To take effect 7/1/24

Summary: This is an update to the rules wording of Swarm. It does not change the functionality of the ability, merely brings the rules wording more closely in line with the intent.

Full text changes: ARB 2.1.1 pg 117:

Swarmed by <number>: <ability>
This ability serves as a defensive mechanic allowing monsters who may become overwhelmed by foes to either retaliate or defend themselves in an extreme fashion.

Any card with this ability allows an NPC to use the named ability when they have a <number> of foes that have used offensive abilities on them and remained within 10 feet.

The NPC may never move toward a group in order to activate this ability.

When this ability is triggered, the player must state “Swarmed” before using any Swarmed by abilities listed on their card. Once Swarmed is called, the NPC may move as required to maintain the combat, but may not pursue enemies leaving the fight, and may use the abilities until they are no longer Swarmed. "Swarmed" must be called if they become Swarmed again.

Once the number of currently engaged foes within 10 feet has dropped below the Swarm number, the Swarm ability can no longer be used.

Vote: ARC Rules Proposal: Swarm [PASS - 81.8% Yay]
The following chapters voted for this rule: Northeast Pennsylvania, New Hampshire, Gettysburg, Wisconsin, Las Vegas, California-Arizona, Virginia, Chicago
The following chapters voted against this rule: Crossroads, Atlanta

Synopsis of conversations: Arguments against included concerns about groups of players surrounding the monster without engaging, or things being too chaotic in a fight for the monster or the players to keep track of who has remained in range after engaging with the NPC. Arguments for included trust in NPCs with cards that are Swarm-capable of understanding the intent and knowing how to deal with non-aggressive PCs, as well as having sufficient combat understanding and are able to identify when they are being hit and by how many combatants.
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