Arcane Armor


Does anyone have a spellcraftable Arcane Armor scroll that is good in these Sheltered lands? And what would they charge for the use of that?

Hi, I'm Gorka, We're Friends now. Or were we friends before too? Hard to recognize and remember in Dreaming

Gorka says try asking Fern our sheriff, he's a hobbling and likes selling stuff. Other wise Forest's Edge and Harbors Far are the two most established groups that may have extra things to loan or sell.

Thorador is the leader of Harbor's Far, hes also a blacksmith if you want real armor.
Forest's Edge doesn't dream much except for Guardian D'rezz, but he's not a big trader. But they are nice and have an accountant, Taloc

Oh and the Brotherhood may have some resources, Brother Eric would be the contact there.

Let me know if you need help making friends.

- Healer Gorka