Are common scrolls and potions universal?


I have someone who wants to buy potions and scrolls from me but he wants to use them in another chapter. I know on the scrolls and potions it has the Ashbury name written across the top and wasn't sure if He would be able to use them in another chapter. I have never been to another chapter and don't want to make his order and then for him to not be able to use any of it.
Please help!
Yep, anything that can be made with production points can travel from chapter to chapter. This includes weapons, armor, alchemy, potions, scrolls, and traps.

Some magic items can also transfer (as long as they don't say "LCO") but the other chapter has to allow it in.
Ok, so I can sell something to someone in Chicago and he will be able to use it. Now the next question is the proposed exchange of Items for money in the real world? Is it possible for me to mail him the paper tags and for him to give the coins to his chapter and get a paper receipt and mail me the paper receipt?