Armor and class limits

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The example for in the description of Wear Extra Armor reads as follows:

For example: Darlissa is a scholar. Her maximum Armor Points are just 15. She has a wonderful suit of armor she wants to wear that is worth 16 Armor Points. She purchases Wear Extra Armor and now can get the full amount.

It seems to suggest that absent the Wear Extra Armor skill, Darlissa may still use the 16pt suit, but it only counts as a 15pt suit. Is that accurate? i.e. even if you have a limit of 15 points, you could use a 30pt suit, but only get to use 15pts of it? Or should she never even put it on?

While under an effect which removes Game Abilities, is the intent that the player treat their armor (whether actual or Arcane) as a lesser suit, that the suit become suddenly damaged. or that the first blow removes all of the excess points? If so, what is the intent of how to handle it when the "no game abilities" effect is removed?

i.e. Let's say Darlissa has multiple levels of WEA. She is wearing a 20pt suit, then gets hit with a Drain spell.
"treated as 15pts" - Darlissa then takes 20 points of damage from a Flame Bolt. 15 is removed from her armor, and 5 from body. She then receives a Purify. Is her suit suddenly usable as a 1pt suit (since she could now utilize all 16 points of it)?

"magically damaged" - Darlissa does not take any damage, but receives a Purify so her armor now a 16pt suit damaged down to 15?

"first blow ablation" - Darlissa is hit with 2 points of of damage. Because she is taking damage at all, the excess 5 points are lost without benefit, and now she deducts 2 points from her armor, setting it at 13. She receives a Purify, but the armor is still at 13.
jpariury said:
The example for in the description of Wear Extra Armor reads as follows:

For example: Darlissa is a scholar. Her maximum Armor Points are just 15. She has a wonderful suit of armor she wants to wear that is worth 16 Armor Points. She purchases Wear Extra Armor and now can get the full amount.

It seems to suggest that absent the Wear Extra Armor skill, Darlissa may still use the 16pt suit, but it only counts as a 15pt suit. Is that accurate? i.e. even if you have a limit of 15 points, you could use a 30pt suit, but only get to use 15pts of it? Or should she never even put it on?

It is clearly stated elsewhere in the rulebook that if you desire to wear a suit of higher than your limit, you must tear the tag down to your limit. Note that your "limit" is in all cases defined as [class limit + Wear Extra Armor levels], except as noted for Arcane Armor.

While under an effect which removes Game Abilities, is the intent that the player treat their armor (whether actual or Arcane) as a lesser suit...

As per our communication policy, note that your question (about a "lack of Game Abilities usage" interacting with Wear Extra Armor) is currently being discussed by the ARC and once some clarification has been made, will be posted here (removing this post). Depending on the level of clarification and discussion (and potential involvement of the Owners or other national staff, if needed) this may take time.
Wear Extra Armor should not be treated as a "Game Ability" and should be considered as per Read/Write in terms of being allowed to use it under the types of effects which would remove the ability to use other skills.

-Bryan Gregory
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