Arrows and a teacher


Hello Wayside Adventurers,

At the next market day, I am in need of assistance. I am currently looking for three things.

1) Arrows, and lots of them. I am willing to pay. Make me an offer.

2) I need a teacher. Someone who know how to read the magical writings, the first circle of Celestial magics, and how to create Scrolls.

3) I need to speak to a Barrister. I would prefer Enan Bluewater, but any Barrister will do.

Thank you for your assistance in these matters,

Foss Siril

I would be glad to make myself available to you during the next market day to answer your questions.

-Barrister Enan Bluewater

Happy to help you with the arrows. Thanks for the private communication.

- Eldarion
Goodman Foss,

If you need someone to teach you how to read magics I am willing to help.

Sera FallingStar