Art Contest


Shamelessly stolen from our friends at Alliance Xroads (with permission of course), we are putting a call out to all graphic designers, artists, painters and crafters that Alliance Gettysburg is opening up a poster/flier contest to help us advertise. This contest is open to any member of Alliance LARP and everyone's welcome to participate! Winner of the contest will receive 1 free event ticket to any of Alliance Gettysburg’s 2019 games or 500 Gobbies! Poster/flier must be able to fit a regular size sheet of paper 8.5" by 11" or smaller. All contest submissions should be emailed to

Deadline for this contest will be April 15th!

What we're looking for and what needs to be included in the poster/flier:

1. Amazing and eye-catching art! You may use photos from our website and Facebook page to draw or add to your poster/flier.

2. Our Event Dates

April 5-7, 2019

May 3-5, 2019

July 26-28, 2019

August 25-27, 2019

October 25-27, 2019

November 8-10, 2019

3.Our name:

Alliance Gettysburg

4.Our Web address, link to our Facebook page and Discord Channel:

5.Our site address:

Olivet Boys and Girls Club Blue Mountain Camp

1540 Mountain Road

Hamburg, PA 19526

Remember the deadline for this contest will be April 15th!