Article for Kid's Event


Since the kid's event was held in Blythedale, I'm going to write an article about it for the newsletter so the kids can see themselves in writing. But I don't want to miss any character names, so please help me out. Here are the character names I remember:

Tabitha Drake
Thane Drake
Inar of the Wolf Tribe

Here's who I'm missing:

Aaron (RL name).... Bob Cook's stepson
Gryffon's (Rob's son) character
Rain's sister (Lily in RL)
Ian (Dan and Missy's son) the Kiergani
Twinkle??? the MWE.... Aubry's little sister, maybe?
The two older girls???

Gawd, my memory sucks....

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake
Robs son Gryffins IG name is Winter Nevermore Ravens son IG also ther where my sisters who played orphans from the orphanages in Nordenn ther was Pamela , IG Twinkle Emeraldstar a MWE , Elizabeth , IG Ahailla Whispersword an Amani elf , and Ajee, IG Tamarra Fergasun a human.
My 2 were also there, and Ashrik's daughter's IG as well.

(Emma 7 yrs old) Rainne and (Lily 8 yrs old) Iris.

Dan AKA: Ashrik
Right. And, Dan, you were playing Ashrik, right?

And I got Aaron's character name, so now I just need Dan and Missy's son Ian's character name.

--- Eric Stehle / Ivan Drake