As May Approaches


New Hampshire Staff
As Fall turned to Winter and Winter to Spring, an unease sets upon the denizens of the town of Mournstead on the continent of Unmei. The barrier of golden light that surrounds their town has prevented the hoards of Cauldred rampaging across Unmei from entering, but it has also prevented anyone else from entering or leaving. Only those who can travel by non-physical means such as rifting have been able to move in and out of the barrier.

In April, residents of Mounstead began to see a group of Kotar gathering outside the light barrier just north of the town. Beginning in May, residents of Mournstead witness these same Kotar quite literally appearing inside the town. They bring news that they have been in talks with the Beast of Mer, Mire’Azoth, the creator of the magic barrier. At Mire’Azoth’s request, the Kotar have used an ancient relic of their people that allows travel through the barrier for any who wishes to use it.

The Kotar refer to this process as Leyline Riding. It is a method of travel made possible due to the unique nature of a leyline that runs under Mournstead in combination with the artifact their people hold. Denizens of Mournstead who choose to use this new mode of travel in and out of the barrier are surprised to find how simple it is, though some are unnerved by the process of merging their body and spirit with the leyline itself. As merchants of the town and other folks looking to travel have become more adept at Leyline Riding, they have found that the bounds of the leyline don’t just end outside the barrier surrounding Mournstead, and instead extend much further.

As the month of May progresses, far across the lands of Mer in the town of Myerston on the isle of Khar-Durai, travelers from Mournstead begin to appear. Along with them come members of the Kotar tribes of Unmei. They bring news that the leyline that runs through Mournstead travels across Mer and through of Meyerston. This makes Leyline Riding accessible to the citizens of Myerston as well. Though the Kotar had only intended to help the people of Mournstead, per Mire’Azoth’s request, it appears this leyline also runs through a handful of other populated areas, including Mimiteh, south of Myerston, and Eklin and Dellwyn, both east of Mournstead. The Kotar are continuing to explore the leyline, feeling it their duty to help the people living along the pathway to understand the phenomenon. For any who inquire as to the path of this new Leyline Pathway, as the Kotor refer to it, they provide a rough drawing of it on a map.

OOG: If your character has spent the winter in or around Mournstead and would have used Leyline Riding as a form of travel before the May 24-26 event, please see plot at the beginning of the event for further details. Starting with the 2024 season, all PCs will have access to any in-game resource located in either Mournstead or Myerston due to the ability to travel between the two locations using Leyline Riding.

Link to Map of Leyline Pathway:
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