Assistance needed!!! Prep work for Spring Season '13


Gettysburg Staff
Hi all,

I am in the process of getting the Spring season of Gettysburg going full steam and I need your help!

I am in need of donations to get the costuming we need for our NPCs. If you can donate, something, anything towards this end it would be greatly appreciated.
Anyone who donates for "NPC Garb" in the notes section of the paypal donation to our chapter, will be put in for a raffle for several magical and non-magical items that all will have in game benefit. This is in addition to all of the normal perks for donating to the chapter. (currently still in effect!!!)


We are in need of pickable locks for our props department. I will give you all sorts of bonus gobbies for contributing locks that can be used for legerdemain.


I am need of set painters and foam stone masons. (If you have the time trouble and talent to help paint set pieces and to help make several stone cairns, please contact me so I can delegate this task out to others for better use of my time.) I WILL PROMISE YOU. YOU WILL BE HANDSOMELY REWARDED.

Stay tuned for more request as we get closer to the Season Opener!

Registration for the new season is now found on our website! SEASON PASSES ARE CURRENTLY AVAILABLE as well now! (remember all memberships need to be renewed now)

- Bossman Rich
I am the ubernoob, but I'd like to help with locks until I know a bit more to help with other things.

What specifically qualifies a lock for being used with legerdemain other than proving that it's possible that it can be picked? AKA: what locks should I get buying so that I don't waste a bunch of money on useless locks?