

Has anyone else seen this movie? It's an Icelandic film about a Valley Girl type, who takes a job at a gaming/comic store to make ends meet. It just came out on DVD in the US, but was #1 at the box office in Iceland.
It actually portrays gamers and gaming quite positively, though it's only mentions of LARPing are when teasing one of the characters about a video of him live action role playing. The archetype gamers do exist in the movie, but even they are treated with deference. If you have Netflix, or can find it at a local video store (do those still exist?), I would highly recommend it.
Looks kinda cool. Added to the queue, thanks for sharing!

Have you seen The Gamers?
satsukirebel said:
Looks kinda cool. Added to the queue, thanks for sharing!

Have you seen The Gamers?

Not yet, Netflix keeps recommending it and it's on Instant Watch now, so I'll have to check it out.
I think the one in netflix is the sequel. I actually liked the first one more.
satsukirebel said:
I think the one in netflix is the sequel. I actually liked the first one more.

Yeah, it appears they have two with similar titles, but are actually unrelated. I started to watch "The Gamers: Dorkness Rising," but could not get past the acting. They have the other on IW as well, so I'll give it a try one of these days.