PASS ATL Rules Proposal: 2.1 Adjust Traveling Ritual Scroll Policy


Alliance General Manager
New Hampshire Staff
Proposed by ATL 4/15/23
Seconded by Wisconsin 5/2/23

Summary: Pg. 26 of the “2.1 Rules Update Official December 2022 packet” states: Ritual Scrolls may travel freely from one chapter to another but may only be cast in the same batch as Ritual Scrolls from the same chapter. We would like to see that adjusted to specifically allow for transfer of Scroll Type: Enchantment and Scroll Type: Extension, covering off on scrolls that allow for Item Creation while limiting transfer of those which require plot resources or might have unexpected effects on a chapter.

This will limit travel of Scroll Type: Manipulation, Scroll Type: Summoning, and Scroll Type: Divination.

Vote: Rules Proposal from ATL for 2.1 [PASS]
The following chapters voted for this policy: NEPA, Atlanta, Gettysburg, Wisconsin
The following chapters voted against this policy: Crossroads, Chicago
The following chapters voted to abstain: Minnesota, New Hampshire

Synopsis of Conversations: There was a lot of back and forth discussion and clarifications about which rituals would or would not be restricted based on this proposal. Most other conversation surrounded the pros and cons on how limiting specific types of rituals may affect gameplay across chapters.