Attention Bastion House Represenatives & Specialists

Shen [he/him]

After consultation with two Arcanists, the most opertune time to attempt to open a bridge to Bastion for more to evacuate the failing Nimbus will be much sooner than anticipated. The Adventurers are coordinating with Foreman Oliver in an effort to prepare Ikari's Hope for their arrival. Between what our settlement can accept and amount we can consider with mystical reason. In an effort to ensure setlement success we would like it if the Houses took stock of who and what they have and the setlements needs and then consider who in Bastion would be the first people youd ask to join us here in Kaida Sanu.

In addition of the arriving people, we might be able to import some additional supplies. At this time we don't know what we will be able to accomplish beyond people and what they can carry. But if there are means and opertunity - what the houses and the Specialists think we need and Bastion might spare. So consider these supplies but be mindful that smaller/lighter things will be considered first over large/heavy. But if large/heavy are an option - we want to be prepared just in case for that too.

We have a guiding number of people that might be able to successfully make a stable journey. In an effort of fairness, we would like each House to compile a short list of at least 5 names. Said list will be considered from top of list to bottom and need not be nesecarily of your same House but wanted to give each house a voice as to who joins us if they are able. This list will be considered by who Bastion says is able/willing to make the journey, initial alternates should that change, and if we can support more than expected - we already have people set and ready to depart. Do not worry about the risk of nominating the same person as someone else did. The list will be reconciled and that name requested with increased weight as they are sought after by multiples for a reason.

We'd also like each specialist to consider at least 2 names for either your expertise, or an expertise of an area you know Ikari's Hope has need or will soon have need.

The remaining amount within our guiding number we are going to put emphasis on basic settlement needs. Those people knowegable & skilled surrounding concepts of food/animals, construction, and protection. As to address not only current needs, but our needs as they expand due to new arrivals. Which is a list put forward by those who lead such areas.

This is a lot of names, understand that only a small list will be able to make the journey due to mystical limitations. We want to make sure that no matter the size of the list, equal considerations are given and those considerations continue to have an impact leading to increased survival and eventual prosperity. While allowing for room for growth is more travelers are possible last minute or if a name suggested can't make the journey an alternate is already in place and ready to step in.

This list will be needed by end of week, as it must be sent to Bastion for those individuals to be conacted and preperations made. Allowing time for return communications if alterations are needed. In a perfect world, we hope to have a final agreed upon list of people & supplies within 3 weeks so that Ikari's Hope has time to make final preparations for their arrival next month.

If there are any questions, comments, or concerns, please leave word hear or seek out an adventurer your familiar with. As always, there are those of us frequently in town who are always available to talk.

@Nate/Nyio Sorn