ATTN: June Event


For all attendees coming from near and far to this upcoming June event at HQ:

Corrheim is a warzone. There will be environmental hazards.

Without going into too much detail, there will be traps scattered around the site as well as things you probably shouldn't touch. Out of game, these are all perfectly safe. In game, there are actual harmful consequences for triggering or touching these dangers. A marshal will be walking around to ensure this.

On the same token, if your character possesses the skill Legerdemain, you may very well be able to dismantle some of the present traps. Please see a marshal before attempting to do so.

Further explanations in terms of mechanics will be posted on site in logistics.

Have fun! And watch your step. :twisted:
Such an awesome mechanic. Now if only there were a way we could rep environmental transition. I would love to be launched through a stone wall, rebound off the field, through a tree, skip over pondscum pond, and swish through the tavern window.

O to dream.

All that would take is a LOT of surgical tubing, two anchor points and you signing some GNARLY waivers bro.
From the maker of "Dwarf Sledding" come "Dwarf Slinging", come watch Mr Coggin as he gets tossed against the side of the building.

Hopefully he won't have his shield stolen this time. :twisted:
Mike Ventrella said:
PLEASE let us know if you have legerdemain and are coming. I have a fun thieves' module that I will run again but don't want to set it all up if no one can go through it.
I have legerdemain and will be PC'ing next weekend.
So excited!!
I will be getting there late (I have a court appearance on Friday afternoon I can't get out of) so could use some help. If anyone went on or helped set up or take down the thieves' module I ran in April, I would appreciate it if you could bring all the furniture we used into that room again so we can rerun the module. It doesn't have to be exactly the same (and should not be, since it's not the same place). That way, I can start running the module as soon as the game starts. Thanks! :thumbsup:
This will be posted around logistics tomorrow evening, but for those who are on top of their stuff, have a pre-game look-see at our weekend's mechanics:

There are mines planted across the site. Should you step on one and trigger the light to turn on*, you will take the appropriate damage as listed below. If you step on a mine and the light does not turn on, consider yourself off the hook: it did not trigger and you do not take any damage. If you aren't sure what damage to take and there's no marshal nearby, check the bottom of the trap.

*If you have triggered or broken a light, please turn it in to the nearest marshal as soon as possible -- don't just leave it there!

GREEN: 10 Base damage; the carrier varies and can be located on the underside of the trap. Effects all within a five foot radius.
RED: 30 Massive. Effects only the triggering player.

LEGERDEMAIN: Those with the skill Legerdemain are welcome to attempt to defuse the mines. Please see a marshal to go about doing this.

There are a few large barricade structures on site: these are dangerous to the touch. Touching the spears will cause 2 Normal damage. Barricades are indestructible and cannot be moved.

*Legerdemain does not apply.

Paste of stickiness upon contact.

*Legerdemain does not apply.

Will act as normal traps; if you've triggered one and a marshal isn't immediately present in the field, check the underside of the trap for a label. Legerdemain applies as normal.