Attunement Cave



I have heard legends of this attunement cave. Can anyone tell me wwhat is inside, or what they have encountered when they attempt this quest? Hordes of monsters? Riddles?

Thank you in advance,
Well, the last time I tried t' go there we got gang stomped by monsters. I can't say 'ow it was for anyone else though. Just make sure you bring a big enough group.

-Miss Alyce Sharp
Well, Miss Sharp, I think our BIGGEST problem was we went in as 2 fighters and 3 healers. Needless to say one of the healers, myself, did not even have a weapon.
Mainly a bunch of misty monsters, also any abilities you use inside the mist cave come back after you leave, and you can not die inside, if you die you get spit out with a little bit of health.

Thorador Boulderfist
it depends on how powerful your item, or how difficult your question how hard the monsters of the mist are. if we have time before hand, i'm sure you can grab a party of capable adventurers to go out there and get something attuned.

if you feel like you can trust some people you can have others attune your items for you as well, send them in with different groups

Thorador said:
Mainly a bunch of misty monsters, also any abilities you use inside the mist cave come back after you leave, and you can not die inside, if you die you get spit out with a little bit of health.

Thorador Boulderfist

Oh really? that's interesting.

Thank you all for this information.

Idris, the Sarr from the big gathering in Deshapattra? You were in my circle at the last fight, I think, holding the staff? If it is you it will be good to see you come to our lands!

With honor always,
Thorador Boulderfist
You can only visit the mist cave once per day. Also, you can go in there to ask questions, which in of itself is very valuable.

Hunter Davion
What kind of questions does the Mist Cave answer?
Jonathan Darin