Auction2xday cloak curse, Permanent from Wayside


Hello Young Masters and Mistresses,

Wanted to start an auction that will run until Midnight of the second market day.

The next item up for bids allows two cloaks vs curse each day and its magics will last forever. This item will work in wayside and should work in Valdanis or Prath Moore as well. The starting bid for this item is 15 gold.

Imagine not being caught off guard by a pesky paralyze or a silence if you are a magic user. Heck, no one really like being destructed either. Very useful item.

You may bid on this forum or by sending me a pigeon if you wish to remain anonymous.

Many blessings and good luck,
The first bid of 15 gold has been entered

Luck to all,
A bid of 18 gold on this item new high bid

good luck bidding,
Wow, this is fast and furious folks.. a new bid of 20 gold on this item.

If you sent a pigeon but it came back because my roost was full, please send the next pigeon to I kicked some pigeons out though, so there should be some room for a bit.

This item is also atunned to the earth magics
Also, I would ask that unless you really want to be a silent/anonymous bidder, that you bid for yourself. For multiple reasons, but mostly for the poor pigeons.

Many blessings,
New high bid of 22 gold on this item
New high bid of 25 gold on this item from Enan

Enan holds the new high bid of 31 gold

good luck bidding,
The Cloak item is a piece of metal rounded and shaped oddly almost like a gear but not... its a little less than 1 pd.

Good luck bidding,
Dream realm bidding is closed. I will proxy bid for those who have arranged it. Auction ends on midnight second market day.

Many blessings,