August 1st Event


<<<UPDATE 7/29/10>>>>
Address is:
3182 Briarhill
Hartland MI. 48353

Hoping to call GAME ON and start the mod at 11am. So please get there a little early to get through logistics etc. Existing players shouldn't need much time in logistics. If you are bringing new people they will need to sign forms etc.

If you are planing to NPC come dressed as a townfolk/villager. If you don't have period clothes that you can bring, go with blacks and we'll make do. I do not plan on trying to bring all of monster camp so costuming will be limited.
<<<<<END UPDATE>>>>>

So here's the OOG plan.

We are going to run a canned mod for a few hours followed by an OOG barbecue. The cost to PC is $10, new players play free but must PC. Existing players have three options in how to participate. You can PC, NPC or Guide. Guides are going to be premade NPC cards that will be working on the side of the PCs. NPCs are the crunchy mobs, Guides are the 'Gandalf' type character, just less powerful. This will give experienced players a chance to give IG advice throughout the mod, "First Aid that guy', "Form a line' etc. without having to be their main PC. I'd like to present a nice welcoming community for people to come join. Guides play for free, like NPCs, but wont get any treasure of course. Guides will probably have to wear make-up though. So if you want to guide, think of a make-up race you want to represent. Not mandatory, but would be cool to show some wilderkyn, dark elves etc.

This mod will exist 'through the mists' LCO to somi stuff still works but it will not be connected to any existing plot.

The location will be up in Hartland Michigan. About 20 min north of Ann Arbor. We will be doing logistics at my parent's house, the taking a short walk to a trail going around a lake. Dunham lake, if any one is familiar. I am hoping to start the mod at 11. Which should give enough daylight to run the mod, and have the BBQ. Right now there is no cost for food. Depending on the turnout, I may ask for cash donations, but I'll probably just kick in the door at CostCo and make something happen.

There are goblin stamp rewards for bringing new players. You get 50 goblin points for each new player you bring to the August event, and another 50 when they attend their first weekend event. Try to equip them the best you can. We'll have monster camp weapons there, but if you have some extra longswords or tabards that we can lend out that would probably be helpful. I really want a new player to be able to just walk up in street clothes and be able to play. Then after the event we can give them tips on preparing for their first weekend event.

Since this is an experiment, I am really asking people to give me a heads up whether or not they are coming. If people can get there around 10am we should be able to get the new people checked in, dole out some costuming and have some fun.

If you have any questions, you can post them here or E-mail me directly. ''My username on these forums" I'll be posting an IG teaser a little closer to the event.

Amber and I will be attending along with a couple of new people.
Sweet Mike. Thanks for the heads up.

So far I have heard of 4-5 new players confirmed coming to try our game, with 3 more on the fence. Along with 6 existing players coming to help out. I'm sure there are more people out there on the fence. Let me know when you can and try to convince people to come out and try Alliance.

We could use more NPC's, and bodies in general.


Site address is:

3182 Briarhill
Hartland MI, 48353

Logistics will open at 9:30am with the mod starting at 11am. I expect the mod to run a few hours, including some safety discussions and rules clarifications, with a BBQ to follow. The bbq is completely OOG, and I hope some players with stick around to make the new arrivals feel welcome, but if you can't stay, it's not a big deal.

This is a sanctioned event with build and treasure rewards. Cost is $10 to PC, free to brand new players. Goblin stamps are given to players who bring new players to this event.

Check the IG forums for a teaser.

Hope to see you out there, let's give the new players a warm welcome and grow our chapter.

(734)787- two 55 four
Leaning towards joining. What would you prefer I do, Joe? I can PC either Ash or Allie, or I can NPC if you need them.

Really whichever one you prefer Steve. Whichever one you feel you could best present the game to new players. Numbers-wise I think we could use the NPCs, but really it's about making an enjoyable mod happen. I think we have about a dozen new players who expressed interest in coming. (hopefully they all do) We can use experienced players in all aspects.

Looking forward to seeing you out there!


<<Original Post has been updated>>
I will be there as Bob for a few minutes in the beginning, but will NPC the majority of the time
