August Event Favorites


Chicago Staff
It's that time again, the time to reflect on what you enjoyed most about the SoMN August event. Thanks for showing up and making this quite an entertaining game!

So, what were your favorites?
Great event, I had a lot of fun and I wish I could have been there for the events that transpired Saturday evening and Sunday morning.
-Going to bed early, only to wake up and find that Jehyu was eaten by a giant worm.
-Watching Roland become crowned Shaman of the Ohgoy? (not quite sure how its spelled :P)
-Learning Legerdemain from the elvish archaeologist (whose name escapes me), enjoyed screwing Foss up during his lock picking practice and the elf's attempt to distract me, those were some mighty fine goggles :funny:
-Squire von Gryphon's Tea Tent, I probably spent over a gold at that tent, and I'm glad because it was a good time.
-Building the thumping machine, it's always nice to know that you're wanted/needed even though you may not be the most powerful or most skilled adventurer in town :) and the resources that York and I had to work with were... rather low quality to say the least :thumbsup:
-Learning First Aid with Healer Icey, it was nice to learn a new skill and the lesson itself was fun, sorry Keallit :)
-The trials we needed to pass in order to gain knowledge about the worm, that was quite possibly the most intense game of Mastermind that I've ever seen.
-Learning about two animals made of metal (the metal-scaled dragon, and the golden fish) and being really dissappointed IG when it turned out that they probably weren't true
-Dwarven RP with Alexander, I'm telling you, I couldn't understand a single word you said to me in greeting :P
-Finding out that I could make arrows with my single rank of blacksmith :thumbsup:
-The quest for the biata heartstone and having our group split in two, and as a result I was separated from my battle buddy :(
-Purchasing the leather pouch from Gandian, its a really cool pouch and it makes a great home for my numerous silver coins :thumbsup:
-Potions! :D
-Foss throwing a paralysis gas at a helpless desert critter, and after he kills it saying "That's how we do it in Wayside." :funny: it is an effective method though I must say.
-Shouting Gorka initially and then shouting Fern Woods and having him come threaten to take us on after we found some friends :P (I bet we could have taken him down if we all worked as a unit :P)
-Rocks/Necromancer mod, It was a very fun mod and it was kind of sad watching Foss get beaten down by the necromancer, but I guess it could have been worse.
-The food, always delicious and appreciated, the kitchen staff is awesome!

There's definitely more that I don't remember at this moment, and I'll include them if I can manage to find them inside of my scrambled brain, a huge thanks to the NPC's and the Plot Team, you guys did a great job and I had a great second event :)
Thanks to all the NPCs who were totaly awesome and thank you guest plot staff for all the work you did and for giving SoMN our first big prop fights. I was glad I got to come even though it wasn't for the whole time. And now my favorites.

-Gandian telling Gorka he loves her for the first time and the awwws from people
-Doing a little bit better in an orc honor duel, the last memorable one I had was at the castle with a chef swinging 15s with a two hander. Kyle playing this Cheff was swinging 18s I actually got hits in on this one, including a slay.
- The sawman asking killit and I to throw the dule and me figuring out the most Honorable and subtle way to do it was for Gorka to go up ageist the chefton.
-Playing cards with Bogart, a game that Dave and I have played and losing to him for the first time ever but still getting invested in the circle.
-having the gazebo earth circle I've always wanted, Wish Bogart would let me take it back to the valley with me ;)
-The Riddles. that was the quietest moments but it still that was the biggest adrenalin rush I got all weekend
-The Resurrections, it was a great circle, it was calm and peaceful and a great excuse for not having to deal with all the stress outside of the circle. And I was glad that I had an idea for what I wanted to tell a story about for each of the spirits. It was well worth the the perminate 20 rit item I traded for it.(times evers with 3 left, hee hee hee)
- The make up was Phenomenal! It was the best I've sneen on Npcs since the one day in the grass lands.
- playing go fish with the goldfishkins
- goldfishkin finding their reflections and wanting to make friends with it
- Miss. Storm being our Dealer
- Packet throwing Practice with Kytra, she keeps getting better every time. I was proud that you did better than Hariquin.
- Yelling at and then apoligizing to Fern, he always keeps Gorka hmble
- All the incredibly cute and amazing things that Mi (vicki) was doing though out the entire game. so awsome and I hope we'll get to see more of her.
- Harliquin's pride and how slow it took me to figure out that he wanted someone else to use the life sword on Jonathan but he couldn't. Sorry it didn't seem that anyone one else caught that one.
- The element thing and realizing that because of a flawed item I was scared of Stripy Pants.

I know I forgot stuff but still so awsome, Thanks to PCs and NPCs alike. plus food was awesome.
My Favorites might seem a bit odd since I jumped Fence for the Majority of the event but here are my top ten favorites in no particular order.

1.) Resurrection Story for Ewin - I always love the resurrection story telling aspect, but it's rough to do as my rabbit because he comes from a different place than the barrister (or gawd help you, my Turtle).
2.) Getting Eatten by the Giant Worm on my first mod, and the reactions there of.
3.) 'Can I craft inside of a giant worm?'
4.) Cursed Sand Golem that got super charged by Shatters and Destroys, Even after ya'll knew what would happen, you couldn't resist to throw a few more into it.
5.) Predator tending to Injured rabbit, It was a good thing Raine(Reyn?) didn't make any sudden movements.
6.) Jehyu going to bed after being saved from the worm to find 3 foxes had moved into his room, so much for sweet dreams ^.^
7.) The Entire Jivah+Realm of the Spirit Shepards mod, was great fun to run.
8.) The 'Don't burn down a home unless you want the whole town on your mod' fiasco. Good thing the twigling built in mechanics can handle surprises!
9.) The Epic worm Mod, So many Long Range Gas packet tosses (Worm only spit the uglier gases when it had 'breathing room')
10.) Quickie Dragon RP, that's a rough plot line to follow ^.^
Great Event, Thank You Npcs! So many good moments and great rps...but a few of my favs

- All things deep thought tent
- Chimeric element moments, loved having to chase Gorka, the hug, and trading insults with Frizzy hair for just a few.
- All things Celeste...Thanks Denise!
- 1 , 2 , and Polly Goldfishkin
- Spirirt Realm mod in general, working with some of my favorite pcs in an intense mod was awesome,
- Foiling two terminates by turning just in time...wheww...Dave you make a good sneak
- Late night talk in npc camp was great
- Cooking breakfast with Regan and Socora
- "Life" talk and all the directions it went with a trio of companions
- Also the Tea Tent...loved me some traded ales

Lot of other great stuff just the highlights I remember right now...
First of all everything was awesome, thanks plot team for a fantastic weekend!

-The spirit realm mod was one of my favorites. One of the hardest but so much fun!
-Boom. Coolest shaman orc ever!
-Actually getting to talk to Shanthony
-Grandpa Icey
-Gorka's rez story for Keallit. It was beautifully done
-Fighting inside the worm
-Talking with Niyati Mai about how we both got our names
-Etna showing up in the middle of the night. A very touching reunion after rezzing
-Interacting with Regan, the protectiveness is so much fun
-Foss, Fern, and Kitaren are always a favorite to interact with
-Goldfishkin. Obnoxious and adorable goldfishkin
-The cactis dryad. 'Keallit, you've got the mentality for this. Go talk to it.'
-Feeding a blue lizard candy to get it to stop attacking people
-Drinking with Icey at the tea tent before going off to fight twiglings
Even though I am sad I left early, I had a great time this past event!

First let me (that I didn't make myself :) ) Thanks to the Tavern crew!!!
The Deep thought tent and the many wheels and deals that occurred
Finally meeting the Dragon and for the first time Dure'dhel having nothing to say...what do you say to a legandary creature who is a direct decendant of the being that created your entire race!
The many jokes about losing the lucky rabbit's foot
Acquiring a firm aversion to killing blows...
Giving Shanthony a hard time about putting his hand into the tavern tip jar. There are certain rules that even Dure'dhel won't break :)
The "shadow", and giving him pointers on how not to hide in plain sight.
Seeing newer players stepping up and making more of the "magic" happen!

Awesome job by plot team and staff. Great food by tavern help.

The first worm mod where Jehyu was eaten and the rp that resulted. Sorry Jehyu, but it was fun trying to find a way to rescue you.
Going to get the "stones" from the house that was burned down mod.
Talks with Dure'dhel and Gandian on my magics and having them pass on their wisdom.
Being included with Dure'dhel on his mods and rituals as his apprentice for learning experiences.
Loved the mod where we were split into two groups and had a path to follow with giant spiders, puzzles, and golems and the biata stone at the end.
Watching Gorka duel and talking with orc shaman.
Learning how to play Biata rummy.
Being teased that I "never" smile.
Dure'dhel and Gorka going on about my candle stick having a life spell while waiting on the orc shaman.
And of course the big worm mod where we half the adventurers were eaten and we saved Jehyu.

So much more, but my brain is jumbled.

Thank you all for coming. I had a ton of fun making all of you have fun. I hope it was a satisfying event.

-The worm was epic, and worked out even better then I had hoped, thank you ryan for making that come to life.
-I was really happy with how my big final ruin mod turned out, I had fun with that =D
-All the rumors the the PCs grabed onto, and even rumors that started that I have no clue where they came from.
-The NPCs! You guys did such a great job, from exhausting yourself fighting, to having deep and interesting characters when you went out to RP with the town. We couldn't have done it without you!
-My plot staff, all of you guys did an awesome job in the area you were in charge of!
-Denise's Celeste was great.
-Chatting with Dureh'dhel as Corwyn Ebonguard
-Adam's sarr really digging himself into the plot
-My RP with Sacora's Biata and mind RP, good thing you just got those racials and got to use them =P
-Lol, hot potato mod. I liked the mechanic, though I think I could improve the game, maybe another time ;)
-Working with Ryan Be. I always enjoy it, and this event would not have happened without you.

I always have more, and many that I don't say because it is spoilers ;)
Now that I've had a chance to think these over:

1. Cactus Alchemist and all the RP mental and physical involved. I'm always up for Phys roleplay and it adds so much to the scene. Thanks Seamus/Paul for the good times with that.
2. Putting the lever a little farther than I should of, and seeing the perfect trajectory of a Magic storm knock it over.
3. The first time bringing out the worm and seeing the result of eating Jehyu for the PCs
4. Inside the Worm. I know it was dark and not very well lit, but I think the atmosphere was perfect for it, and only added to the experience (and glowing hearts).
5. Courtney's crackle.
6. Shaman Gorka/Shaman Garsak interaction inside the worm. She convinced me she was on the worm's side, so I took her to protect the 2nd heart then I began to walk away. I turn around to ask her something as her arm is around my head, waylay tip ready, and the second our eyes meet she says 4 waylay. You were so close Gorka, but it was so amazing.
7. Some PCs have an image and reputation to keep, so I won't mention who, but lets just say it involved Quentin, the Elephant MW and a group of crying PCs.
8. All the interaction with the NPCs this event was amazing. Plot and NPCs really upped their game and the RPing was amazing. Thanks as well to the PCs who interacted with us to bring the atmosphere to life.
9. The tents. I LOVED how they were set up in front and I hope we bring those back. It looked like a true market and people were actually NOT in the Tavern all event.
10. Using Classical conditioning on the Beetle Mod to the point where I would sneak up on people and make the "Cheh Cheh" sound before attacking.

Thanks again everyone, it was quite the enjoyable event!
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Here are my favorites, in no particular order:

The giant worm rep. That thing was totally awesome!
Getting to carry the thumper, and make sure the people refitting were as safe as possible.
Trying to keep an eye on my swords, they kept on disappearing into a certain Biata's hands (No one, you should totally become a rogue :P )
Resurrecting for the first time. Jehyu, thanks for the awesome story, it fit with my character superbly! The only thing that would have made it better is if I could have found my pouch afterwards... A certain Intoxicate elixir totally had my name on it :D
Starting a fire, and then realizing that I couldn't leave it to go and get people to join me. Doh :pinch:

I'd also like to thank the guest plot team, I know that all of you put a lot of work and dedicated a lot of time to make this event awesome for all of us, and let me tell you that you did not disappoint!
Oh ya, the food was FANTASTIC, hit the spot!
I had a fantastic time plotting for this event. If you include my NERO experience, I've been playing for almost 5 years, but I've never plotted for an event before, and I had an amazing time. It's a shame most of the main plot team couldn't show up, but I'm glad they had the confidence in us to let us run an event for them.

Playing as Chieftain Rask was a lot of fun. He ended up a bit different than I intended, but hopefully he was fun for people to interact with.
Seeing the worm for the first time was amazing. I can't believe how well that rep came together.
On that note, playing as the tail of the Olgoi was a lot of fun. I think we assumed more people had big backstab damage when we statted it, but you guys killed it eventually.
The food was great. I really can't thank LARP Mom and her kitchen staff enough for what they do each event.
The cactus necromancer mod Sunday morning was really cool. Carly did an awesome job planning that and it seemed like it made a good closing mod for the event.

I'm just really glad everything went so well this weekend. If anybody has any complaints or criticism, or if they saw anything they really liked at this event, PLEASE send in feedback.
Wow, what an amazing event! You guys did a wonderful job on the plot. Hope you all run an event again in the future.

On to my favorites in no particular order.

~Jeyhu being eaten by the giant worm then rescuing him only to get him stuck in the worms throat :lol:
~RP with Gandian. It was nice seeing another side to him.
~The spirit Shepard mod. Let me just say ow.
~RP with Keallit and meeting my Niece.
~Playing tug-o-war with NayatiMai. So cute :D
~The GoldfishKin.
~RP with Foss.
~Spirit Locking my sword to only later realize how bad of an idea it was when Keallit goes "How are you going to Belly dance with that?" :pinch:
~My secret meeting in the pantry.
~Playing hot potato with Zed.
~RP with Kitaruen. It's nice to have such dedicated Famillia.
~Bogart writing up a contract for working in the tavern and putting in it that Mama bird and I must flirt with him every hour and Ewan not being able to get that out of the contract :pinch:
~RP with Anthony.

I am sure there are many many more but I can not think of them at the moment.
Looking forward to seeing all of you again soon.
So much fun! There were many things I missed but what I saw was fantastic. Great job NPCs and guest plot team, this was quite the treat!

-Desperately trying to grab Jehyu as the worm was about to eat him and clutching his robe as he was swallowed before me.
-Victor's tea tent, and his shop that opened up. It was creative and lucrative too!
-Harlequin's humor and overall RP. I'm very impressed.
-Jon's singing and playing on his flute in recalling past songs of his people. Out of game it was lovely to listen to the music, and it was enjoyable to observe the subtle 'in plain sight' experiences some were having.
-Having Anthony become troubled by Katira's death, and being able to bring myself to tears, I feel proud.
-Dueling Saito in the rain.
-Talking with Foss and having Anthony be influenced by him greatly.
-Seeing Reiyn again and noticing his growth.
-Peter's NPCs, 'merchant' of the Crimson Sand and Shadow of the order. You are so fun no matter what character you're playing.
-Same goes for Ryan, I could not stop laughing with that raspy voice speaking such elegant language!
-Being able to use the sacrifice potion on Jon, thank you Cho Ko Nu!
-Getting swallowed by the worm and being asked to travel to a path. Walking alongside York we reached the entrance of the worm's stomach with a fight going on inside. Whaaaaa? Very cool.
-Laying on a hill and listening to Gandian speak about his mentor under the stars.

Oh, and making 120 arrows with a handful of people with 1 rank in blacksmithing? Awesome!
Great event, everybody! I had a lot of fun, and give a big thanks to our guest plot team and NPCs! Y'all really stepped up and ran a great game! Here are some favorites, in no particular order:
  • Starting the event as the treasure-hunting dwarf NPC was lots of fun.
  • "Hot potato" magic orb mod! That's a simple yet great mechanic (especially with the glowy ball in the dark).
  • Actually talking with and doing stuff with York. That doesn't happen enough.
  • Talking with Shanthony, then Regan, under the stars about the feelings Gandian has that most people don't see.
  • Getting to cast Regan's ritual, even if I kinda botched the whole thing.
  • The super difficult Spirit Shepherd mod. That was one of the most draining fights I've had in the chapter.
  • The separated-town Biata Ruins mod, especially with using the Magic Storm on the lever!
  • Four Summoned Chimera Spirits and all the RP consequences therein! Angry Gandian, cold Kitaruen, firm Harlequin, and jittery Asura were all super fun, especially around each other (and the makeup looked great!)
  • The worm rep was AWESOME! Fighting such a gigantic monster really adds a lot to the atmosphere.
  • Despite the dangerous dark path, fighting inside the worm was fun. You know it's gotta be fun when Gandian ends the mod having used every spell in memory!
  • Getting cornered by the troglodytes all alone and putting up a prison: "This one's put up a Prison!" ".........that's a pretty good move." (all the Troglodytes just leave) :funny:
  • Talking with Fern with an ice wand jammed in my chest to keep me calm.
  • Cactus necromancer was a great Sunday morning mod, especially with the following Circle interrogation.
  • Speed-teaching Keallit 7th level Celestial, and suggesting she pass on the knowledge to Dure'dhel. ;)

And probably so much more that I'm forgetting. Really, guys: Great event, and thank you so much!