August Event Favorites!

Gandian Ravenscroft

Chicago Staff
Hey folks,

Thanks so much to everyone for making this event what it was, both on the PC and NPC sides! All of you folks really make the games something special, and I'm glad to be part of such a great group of people.

So, what were some of y'all's favorite things from this event?
the most interesting thing for me was the visit by the baron and thorador giving up his being a squire and victor continuing his quest to become a knight of the realm( hope i spelled that right.)..

David Raatz
I'm just gonna go with "all of it" for now. I had an awesome event. Details will come later.
Good Event Guys, Thanks to Pcs and Npcs alike,

A few favorites in no particular order
-Golem Asura
-Having an Apprentice who is completely different temperment-I may learn from her a thing or two- "Kit what did you do"
-Tal surviving
-York and Lilly ahh sibling turmoil
-Well timed- Death Spells :yummy:

-Lets not forget...."Hey what if you give us one Mist fish to poision the bug bears with" ..Mr Murro Says...Prison, Confine, Confine, Lightning Storm, Prison- rattle casted vary nicely by Alexander I may add.
-Being a Gnoll with Icey, Lightning, and Greg

Sure there is lots more but those are the top of my head moments
I want to start out with a shout out to Jaime and Paige; I had a blast playing with you guys. Can't wait to see you two again. Also, thank you to all the npcs who worked their butts off to make this the great event that it turned out to be. This was my favorite event in a long time.
Now to the faves:
-All the nicknames: Beardador, Gryffindor, and Purple Poison Princess
-right before Duke Idden's speech, "you're just going to make us sit down again"
-Kit's well timed death spell. NPC: "prepare to die!", Kit: "death"
-The race with the npc
-Lightning's duel with Lily, Kit's gypsy curse, and subsequent shenannegins
-Golem food storage
-The gnoll mod with Lightning Kit Icey and Greg.
-and of course, being engulfed on the earth guild mod. "C'mon guys."

EDIT: "Beadador stole my gold!"
The Food
The Sportsmanship
The Comradery
Another amazing event - congratz to the Hardworking Staff and NPCs

Artimus waylaying two bugbears next to the tavern.
York waylaying a line of 6-7 gnolls.
gnoll: "prepare to die"... Kit: "death"
Talitha stands up strikes and sits back down before the gnoll can turn around and look at her: "70 evicerate"
Victor with bow walking up from behind: "prepare to die, disarm axe" catches axe out of hand before it hits ground and walks off with it.
sparring with Kato
Shattering a node
Seeing Duke Idden
Taunting Adric's blade-eater during the stand-off.
Fighting along two golems
Fiiiiiive Normal
Fighting alongside The Panda
RP with Nova

and much more!
Had a great event (currently at a public location w/ my Desktop, yeah, I hate laptops that much I'll bring my DESKTOP with me ;P), and enjoyed a large majority of it.

-Switching from NPC to PC, and Alexander getting everyone in the room to say, "PRE-REG NEXT TIME", and that one voice that says, "but he did pre-reg..."
-More of a 1 v 1, Dave as a plant looming closer and closer to me, me trying to think of a safe way past him only to see his hand move to prepare a spell, so I use a Death Spell on him.
-Bringing another new NPC who enjoyed LARP (Corwyn, the taller teenager guy with curlier hair, he also had a load of fun, as well he told me)
-The Earth Guild Mod. I had only planned on bringing 7 if Kit made it back in time. Kit brought Asura and Dure'Dhel, was NOT part of my plan.
-Lightning getting devoured not once, but twice in a mod. Would've been able to stop it if I had my dagger I had accidentally lent out to someone else in the mod at the time, whoops ><
-NPCing w/ Lightning, Kit, and Greg.
-Thorador and Victor RP as one walks another path, while the other continues to forge his way through to Knighthood.
-Corrupt mod, all 4 limbs got withered. Got healed, then had to ask for a Restore. Whoops.
-Everyone thinking we should start investing in Plantoid Reavers in order to deal with the horrible evil foliage that seems to be everywhere :P
-Talking with Kit after the event was over, about the circle incident two months ago. We came to terms with in about a year or so he'll trap me in a circle and go, "Remember that time about a year or so ago when you left me in the circle?" "Uh... no?" "Sit there and thinking about it a while, who don't you."
-My new magic item. If the enemy says no to the Destroy Undead, I get so upset about it, I go berserk :P
-Getting loot from the bug bears BEFORE we killed them. And then getting more loot as we killed them XP
-"You see an albino bug bear with blue tribal markings."
-Kit's well-timed death spell. As well as slinging a couple of my own deaths that battle as well.
-Confining/webbing at least 5 bug bears, grinding three weapons to dust, 2 on one bear, one on a confined, JUST because I had that charge to throw :P

Thank you everyone, I had a great time, and can't wait to see all y'all again!
Thanks PCs and NPCs alike. It was a great event and it just seemed to go by way too fast that I couldn't believe it was over when it was.

- No bugs! No need for bug spray once!
- 6 person Dungeon. I think Round #2 will go a lot better and I’m looking forward to giving it another go with Asura, Lilly, Ark, Thor and York
- Alexander’s bat cackle and sounding like good ol’ Gerty the Hag from Chicago
- The Corrupt Mod. Very well done. *Fiiiiiiiiiiiive normal* the slowest hammer swing but always scored a hit.
- Province 4 Salt Mines mod. Glad to see Phase 2 beginning!
- Kit being Kit
- Morning Panthergast and a half-promised Puppy Storm.
- Learning 1st level Celes from Darius--still going to take a year to learn a spell I'm sure :)
- Late night Sat talk
Well this was an odd event for me because i was awake for most of it.
Usually im in bed by midnight or 1am. I was in bed at 4am on Friday night.
And was around for the big mod saturday night.
So here are some favorites in no order.

Trying to take out the shovel guy and his minions.
Roleplaying with you all, Aldorian is finally learning to trust a few of you.
Hanging with the Celestial guild and getting invested in the celestial circle.
Which means my new job is being the identifier which i liked.
Fighting besides a big bunch of you, to many to name.
The Duke coming was a ton of fun.
And him giving leaders grief for keeping secrets and not communicating to everyone.
See Squire get his tasks to be a knight.
The earth guild mission was fun. Nice to have one guild helping the other.
The mist fish mod was alot of fun. It made sure i will stay late on sundays.
Having the screaming
There is a ton more but i had a lot of fun this weekend.
I paid for it on monday but it was well worth it.
I can't wait for September.
See you all soon.