Had a great event (currently at a public location w/ my Desktop, yeah, I hate laptops that much I'll bring my DESKTOP with me ;P), and enjoyed a large majority of it.
-Switching from NPC to PC, and Alexander getting everyone in the room to say, "PRE-REG NEXT TIME", and that one voice that says, "but he did pre-reg..."
-More of a 1 v 1, Dave as a plant looming closer and closer to me, me trying to think of a safe way past him only to see his hand move to prepare a spell, so I use a Death Spell on him.
-Bringing another new NPC who enjoyed LARP (Corwyn, the taller teenager guy with curlier hair, he also had a load of fun, as well he told me)
-The Earth Guild Mod. I had only planned on bringing 7 if Kit made it back in time. Kit brought Asura and Dure'Dhel, was NOT part of my plan.
-Lightning getting devoured not once, but twice in a mod. Would've been able to stop it if I had my dagger I had accidentally lent out to someone else in the mod at the time, whoops ><
-NPCing w/ Lightning, Kit, and Greg.
-Thorador and Victor RP as one walks another path, while the other continues to forge his way through to Knighthood.
-Corrupt mod, all 4 limbs got withered. Got healed, then had to ask for a Restore. Whoops.
-Everyone thinking we should start investing in Plantoid Reavers in order to deal with the horrible evil foliage that seems to be everywhere

-Talking with Kit after the event was over, about the circle incident two months ago. We came to terms with in about a year or so he'll trap me in a circle and go, "Remember that time about a year or so ago when you left me in the circle?" "Uh... no?" "Sit there and thinking about it a while, who don't you."
-My new magic item. If the enemy says no to the Destroy Undead, I get so upset about it, I go berserk

-Getting loot from the bug bears BEFORE we killed them. And then getting more loot as we killed them XP
-"You see an albino bug bear with blue tribal markings."
-Kit's well-timed death spell. As well as slinging a couple of my own deaths that battle as well.
-Confining/webbing at least 5 bug bears, grinding three weapons to dust, 2 on one bear, one on a confined, JUST because I had that charge to throw
Thank you everyone, I had a great time, and can't wait to see all y'all again!