August Event Favorites


Crossroads Staff
You got 'em, plot wants to see them! Let us and the other players know what you enjoyed this past weekend!

Also, please take a minute and fill out our post-event form. Help us make this game more awesome for you!
Post Event Survey:
Wow had a grat time this weekend! A number of favorites from this one, but first and foremost thank you staff and NPCs! You rocked it this weekend.

Having the entire Griffon Guard present! It was awesome to see Nate return and good to hear that things are taking a turn for him! Best of luck Nate! You deserve it.

A quick family meeting followed by adding two new members to the Guard. I am really looking forward to playing with you all! The town battle around the circle and seeing my team hold a large portion of the circle during the fight and how we worked together so well made me feel very proud of my group.

Duorn giving Tova the little brother/dad face and comments. Just lookin out for ya!

Saturday afternoon Mod.... We're off to kill some undead and golems and run smack into a Gaminus. The roleplay and knowing that our ability to converse and convince was the only way we were surviving. And the end result of seeing Gaminus REALLY thinking about what we were saying and then handing over an artifact...... Big moment! Yay we survived! Even better, we might have had a lasting effect on a dragon! I was floating on clouds after that mod.

Dan coming over to me Saturday night and enticing me back for Sunday. I had a family thing, but was able to come back. So glad I did! A chance for the remaining members of my team to feel some of their efforts in Tower portal having an effect. Thanks Plot staff and thanks Dan for the enticement!

Seeing Galanestil receive what he has been seeking so long. Ray I know how long you have worked toward this. It was nice to be there when it finally came into place for you.

Duorn being protective of Deborah and the resulting conversation with Keely. I don't think Keely was expecting that one! Loved the RP Stacy!

Seeing Corey and all of his wonderful creations in NPC camp. From teaching an orc to drink from a straw to the Zoidberg Panda Crabs. It was really great to see you man. You threw me for a minute, it had been so long, I didn't know for sure it was you with half your face covered by that mask. Looking over my shoulder to Deb " Is that Corey? pretty sure it is"

A big thank you to all who offered their condolences and hugs. It had been a really rough week. I needed the stress relief of running myself ragged and hitting my friends with plumbing supplies. You all were very helpful in turning the stress/rage ball that has been my brain into a much calmer more at peace Mark. Thank You.
See you in September
First off, thank you NPCs!!!!

After two years of searching for those ogres, finding two in one event. Great payoff.

"We're going to the orphanage" Plot just throws hands up and runs away.

Chris and my tour of the island as we checked everywhere we could think of trying to find someone to help. Sun is totally searching for a horse to ride after this weekend.

Best looking orphanage runner ever.

Ogre reunions

Morai's biological clock going off

That bug battle. I def saw that from a completely different prospective than everyone else. The entire time I was expecting to just be destroyed when he had enough of Sun's pleas.

We got him back in the end! Now to try and not break the two of them...


Seeing faces I hadn't seen in a while.

I know there are more, but the brain still isn't fully functioning at the moment.

Good to be back! Thanks for welcoming me home and being chill with my new character. It was fun. :}

I have one very important highlight:

- Being a kin born during the cusp of the Battle for Aolia, Phineas doesn't have a particular high opinion of Sadeen Moor. At one point, Aisling got vampire charmed and ordered to kill her friends. Being the closest person to her, she turned toward Phin who calmly said "we aren't friends" to which Aisling paused, said "fair enough" and went to murder Anyon instead.

Had a great time at my first Alliance game! Been to a few small LARPs before as an NPC, but I must say, the folks at Deadlands made me feel very welcome every moment of the weekend. Will certainly be stopping by as much as I can! James and I had a blast, it was his first time LARP'ing ever, and he raved about the weekend the whole ride home. Here were some of my highlights!

~Sheepishly walking up to the Logistic desk hours before anyone else had arrived and asking, "At risk of trespassing on someone's property... Deadlands?" Hopeful bubbly eyes.

~Get hype. First fight. Don zombie stuff. Here come players! Accidental smack in the face pops out glasses lens. GREAT START! (I found it, no worries!)

~Peeking into the tavern through the window like a kid in a candy store. Best RP tavern ever.

~Grumpiest elf bodyguard ever. Grrrr.

~Being Professor Townsend. I hope plot gives me the opportunity to play him again. Channeled my inner C3PO pretty hard there, and had a blast! "Must I really return to the tavern where there are beastly men with the pointy swords? Good gracious!" Also, very impressed with the group I took with me. Diplomacy hard at work. Thank goodness there was no fight, I am quite the squishy archaeologist.

~Epic 'pider battle in the rain and thunder!

~Dan pulls aside myself and James. Points to me, "First animal that pops into your head?"

Me, "Uh. Crap."

Dan, "Crab. Good. You?" Points to James.

James, "Pandas!"

Dan, "Good, you're pandacrabs. Go into makeup and make it work."

Thank you for not sending us out as Pandacrap. That would have been a much different fight altogether.

~Sun whimpering at the sight of dead and cute little pandacrabs.

~3:00am, dressing up as a hunter and wandering around the PC areas to explore. If anyone was wondering who the lantern-wielding, fur-covered person was wandering the woods Saturday night / Sunday morning. I couldn't sleep!

Cannot wait to be part of more exciting adventures!
Thank you to all the behind the scene staff, NPCs, and new folks for coming out to make this past weekend a fun time!

A few highlights:
- Rolling with Rupert, hearing his opinions, watching him do dumb things, and listening to story time with Rupert. Bring him out more.
- Saturday afternoon circle chats with Chithis; mostly just listening, but very much enjoyed hearing his opinions on things and getting into ideals and morals instead of just yelling at the bad guy.
- Keeley and Aisling filling folks in on what's up with Necali...Phedre's expression was the best.
- Kelsey's new PC. Watching the mongoose kin learning about everything and who people are and deciding at what point one becomes "independently wealthy."
- Roman's checklist
- Discussions with Tabin and watching him get knighted.
- Feeling out the white belt. I think Rupert laughing at Aisling when he first saw it sums it up. Nobility was never something she sought, this is going to take some getting used to.
- Great fights on Sunday with Alex and Sean as the two BBGs. I had a lot of fun drawing aggro from and kiting the two of you.
- Getting rebugged....not so fun.
- Being a kin born during the cusp of the Battle for Aolia, Phineas doesn't have a particular high opinion of Sadeen Moor. At one point, Aisling got vampire charmed and ordered to kill her friends. Being the closest person to her, she turned toward Phin who calmly said "we aren't friends" to which Aisling paused, said "fair enough" and went to murder Anyon instead.

It was a beautiful moment.
First time playing Alliance and second time LARPing ever - I won't lie and say that the system and age of the game were not intimidating to me, but everyone was happy to answer questions. Thank you all for the hospitality and the fun times. Worth the trek from Canada!

- The band of desperate-to-be-hired henchman/mooks/minions.
- Tavern RP.
- Being taught earth magic.
going to help, anyon and roman, who were fighting dan the horror on Saturday night.
I started first aid, dan wacks me, I pretend to be down, he wacks me a few more times, no more pretending, dan goes to run me through and out of the corner of my eye, I see roman, who was prisoned behind me, do an epic interrupt, then run off with dan in tow, I guess he prisoned himself again? because dan came back and finished the job of running me through to which I exploded.

oh and seeing corey again! so glad to see you!
it was awesome doing the whole lightning stuff.
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Henchmen, minions, mooks, lickspittles. Right siders! We hench real good. Corey's Orc's sales pitch was hilarious and the efforts to hydrate and feed him through the mask were a delight. Cheerfully taking increasingly silly jobs and getting actual grapes as payment. Phineas is the very best vampire hunter and boss.

Anyon getting the living ritual Stable Foundation drunk. Always a good choice. You broke the building!

Attempting to get news stories while Tattercloak was in the tavern at absurd o'clock. Of a non-illusory nature and existent is a pretty easy threshold to meet. Adventurers giving the potential spy hilarious but unsubstantial stories was lovely.

New players. Please come back! You were great.

I had a great time NPCing Deadlands for the first time since I started PCing, and I think I'll have to do it a little more often.
So here goes ( I taking a break from finishing packing my apartment to move into my house so if I forget names or IG names I appologize, I am worn out) :

-Roleplaying with Evan as Chithiss. Always a treat to roleplay with someone that takes RP so seriously. Evan you rule!
- The RP with Lord Vryan and Azurieth is always great!
- Kelsey and her Canadian friends Brothers were awesome and creepy. Fun RP again.
- Haran Severin and Sentilwen. So awesome.
- The Battle for the reclaimation of Kith Taria! I have been working on this plotline (even from afar while I was living in New Orleans!) for many years, as long as Deadlands has been Deadlands.

- And finally it has been along strange and difficult journey, and I only was able to achieve it through the help of my character's in game friends, but I am a Knight of Kith Taria. It means so much to me to have finally achieved something I have dreamt of since I started playing all those years ago. I only wish some other characters that have died (or Players that have stopped playing) could have been there. Wynn, Thrace, Garuda, Lillian, Heresy, Dracmodo, Laucoom, Ivar, Chiarrah, Sentet, Paladar, Gilbert, Lazok, Caseopius (non-villian), Sadupta, Ator, Nicodemus, Sir Douglas, Collan, etc.

It really does mean alot.

Ray, congrats, brother. You earned it. Heresy, Galloway, Norhelm and Gary all wanted to be there to see it. S***, even Skylar would have been proud.
I'm not sure how the NPCs stayed vertical. It was HORRIDLY HOT and I was melting and yet they came out time and time again as if magically hydrated to kill us. It was AWESOME.

A few NPCs that stand out to me are the guy playing the ogre that was trying to do something wonky with the circle, kudos for make up and hood in the heat man!!
Also the "bug" who's head I cut open to see if there were any glands or if I saw anything out of the ordinary and finally whose head I took and she says "okay well that was weird. I don't know what to do with that, but here's your treasure". All the laughs!

The Gryffon Guard mod to kill squid faces and PANDA CRABS or Crandas...or Paabs...

New family members!!! Tobias and Khas!! Now let the initiations begin...mwwaahahaha

THE MONGEESE, mongooses, ...yeah they rock!! I love seeing new kin!! I always want to pet them though...I REFRAINED!!

Moist log


Watching Galanestil get belted!!!

Aura toss in the tavern...I ...I am still just beyond words to describe that final toss!!! SO COOL

Chithiss ... Seriously Evan I have never hated and liked a character so much!!!

Thank you Sean M for being patient while teaching me the rules.

GG times were cool. I can't believe we were almost all there. Only missing a few peoples. Cool!

Forbidden love conversations.

I had a great time despite the heat and humidity. Can't wait to see you all in October.