August Event Marketplace


Is your character an alchemist? Blacksmith? We're calling for all in-game merchants and artisans!

At this coming August event at HQ, the Festival of Blades will feature a designated in-game marketplace! The market will be held outside the tavern during the Saturday tournament, approximately noon to four.

This market is strictly IN-GAME. This is a place for your character or your team to sell their wares and goods out in the open to interested buyers for IN-GAME CURRENCY. If you, the player, have OOG wares to sell for OOG cash, please conduct your business in OOG areas! We're looking for PCs selling things like food, alchemy, potions, weapons, virtually anything that can be sold for in-game coin.

We will have a few tables set up specifically for merchants to use, but we can't guarantee tables for everyone! If you plan to have your character or team present, please notify me via this thread, PM, or e-mail me directly at

Remember, this marketplace is only available on Saturday of the event from noon to four. It will be monitored by NPC guards.

Sorry for such short notice, guys! I hope to see you all there.

- Donna

(And because I know someone will try to: if you try to buy or sell people/prostitutes, you're going to get arrested in a heartbeat. :thumbsup: )
I will bring my massage table and possibly some food or fake booze!

Looks like I'm not gonna carpool anymore haha
Hawthorne Family Recipes will be represented and vending delicious baked goods.
Edit: I will definitely have gluten-free cookies. Vegan (but not gluten-free) is a maybe. I can bring an OOG ingredients list with band names on it if anyone has concerns, and will *not* make the mistake of using Quaker oats.
gilded claw will have alchemy , scrolls , rit scrolls , potions , chainmaille jewelry ,chocolate covered fruit , infused waters .... and other such things to sell
Tom H said:
Love it! I'll have a Blacksmith with wares... maybe even some reps for sale as well if time allows!

As of now, we've reserved two tables to Gilded Claw and Irina, respectively; we should have one more table available if you want to take it, Tom. These tables might also be big enough to share between two vendors. Anyone else may need to provide their own tables if they need to use one; I'm going to see what's available at the site when I get there, depending on how many people are interested.
Circe said:
(And because I know someone will try to: if you try to buy or sell people/prostitutes, you're going to get arrested in a heartbeat. :thumbsup: )

Pimping has never been easy. :shades:
I love this idea
Would anyone appreciate "energy tonics" to be sold for IG coin or is that not something you'd buy mid Saturday?
Undrask said:
Would anyone appreciate "energy tonics" to be sold for IG coin or is that not something you'd buy mid Saturday?

Seriously? I would buy the crap out of that.
This marketplace is one of the coolest ideas I've seen come down the pike in quite some time (no insult intended Collin or Toddo). I would like to highlight the coolness of this idea in the Ashbury Times. Thus, I am putting a bounty on it.

If anyone signs up in advance to write a report about it (WHO, what, when, where, etc), I'll double the normal goblin stamp reward for that report (staff reporters will get a 25 GS bonus). Remember, this is an OOG report about IG event, so your character doesn't need to be able to read and write. This is an especially good deal for people selling at the marketplace, since you'll be there the whole time anyway. All I'm asking is you to write a few paragraphs about what happened.

To sign up in advance, send me e-mail at, send me a PM on the Alliance boards, sign up on the sign up sheet at site, or message me on Facebook (if you know how to find me).

You guys make this cool and then let everyone else know how cool it was in the future!

Mike Strauss
Alliance HQ Newsletter Editor
If the market was posted IG, even in the dream world, Tvard would jump on it even faster than I did haha