August Post-Event Logistics


Alliance Rules
Gettysburg Staff
Event Reports:

Total PCs: 46
Total NPCs: 19*
APL: 16.89

PC Breakdown by Class:
Adept - 3
Aritsan - 3
Fighter - 11
Rogue - 12
Scholar - 9
Scout - 1
Templar - 7

PC Breakdown by Race:
Barbarian - 1
Dark Elf - 2
Dryad - 1
Dwarf - 1
Elf - 11
Gypsy - 3
High Ogre - 1
High Orc - 4
Hobling - 4
Human - 6
MWE - 6
Stone Elf - 1
Wylderkin - 5

*Estimated NPC count - I didn't pick up an NPC sign-in sheet for the event, so going with pre-registrations and people I remember seeing.
This is the list of NPCs that I have for the August event. If you NPC'd or know someone who did, and is not on this list, please let me know and I can add them.

Nicole Angelo
Collin Babcock
Scott Babcock
Angel Belford
Shanwa Brown
Sean Carter
Frank Coyne
Jessica Cutter
Emily Desmarais
Rich Ditzler
Sidney Fowler
Susanna Lee
Chris Marcikonis
Mandy Sevetsky
Ashley Thomas
Dave Van Ness
Kate Vezza
Jim Warrington
Loren Williams

If you are on this list, and I was not sure which character you want to blanket for the event, you should have received an email asking to let me know. Tomorrow I will apply event credits and email transfer info to chapter logistics teams, and then wade into the emails piling up. :)

Thanks again for all your hard work NPCs! We had record PC attendance, and you kept us entertained all weekend long.
Please make sure Joe Siegel is given a full weekend credit for NPC'ing. He was awesome and jumped fence for the majority of the weekend.