August Rumors


Chicago Staff
-Better Than U Labs has fallen! It’s rumored representatives are coming to negotiate on behalf of a major player.

-Duke Alice will be personally rewarding the adventurers that brought and end to the corruption destabilizing the authority and protections of the ducal authority
-Is that the end of The Golden Clank?
-Does that mean The Mauve Tiger will be ending?
-Has anyone asked?
-Will The Zoo be closing?

-Disenfranchised Researchers Anonymous has lost their patrons. This may be their last meeting.
-They're probably going to bring all the good stuff.

-I saw a shipwreck during my morning walk along the beach. I would have approached but the water was all sorts of different colors. I wonder what the cargo was.

-We may finally be reclaiming Passwall. Many undead just laid on their bellies and allowed the troops to end them. Though that only lasted for a little while. They all moved again like they were being commanded. I can sure as heck say we retreated from that point.

-The Blackmoon Sentinels have reopened their new initiate training. I hear they are looking to recruit after that Chimera incident took out so many.

-I hear every High Ogre in North Passwall has signed up to help exterminate all the unresponsive undead.

-Folks have been seeing those Gryphons around more often. Seems they’ve gotten busy and aren’t scared to show their faces.

-With the Mirandas tied up in court, East Passwalls markets have gotten unstable as merchants struggle to fill the vacuum.

-Small tremors have been felt around Gavaria around towns and villages, I wonder what that is all about!

-Have you noticed that rather large tree on Atupal. I didn’t remember it being that tall.
-I think it has something to do with that fox lady that is reading all the time.
-Oh yeah, the Gardener.

-Auditorium of Oracle is going to line up with the next market day.
-Oh that's where anyone can make a presentation about something, right?
-Yep, that's the one.
-Wait, doesn't that involve being critiqued by your peers...visually.
-It sure does!

-I heard a lot of Court Wizards and Healers have made incredible discoveries to Ritual Magics in the last few months.
-You think any of the Ducal Wizards and Healers will get replaced?
-Only if someone creates something truly incredible, maybe, who knows!

-I don’t know what spooked the Trogs but it’s like every Troglodyte north of Stalwood fled south. The attacks on caravans and wagons has increased greatly.
-Maybe the Carbuncles and Trogs will fight each other instead.

-You going to the Royal Announcement in Rosen? Queen Pavia is going to speak about the Strigoi threat publicly. I hear everyone of importance will be there!
-I hear they captured a Strigoi and kept it alive to present it to the people!
How interesting it is.