August's Menu


Zane Moreau here, I will be feeding all and sundry at this month's Ducal Tournament. The food on offer will be as follows:

Saturday Brunch:
Quiche imported from New Acarthia (so don't blame me if it's atrocious)
Hash Browns
Steel-cut Oatmeal Porridge

Saturday Dinner:
Dwarven Meatballs
Potato Dumplings
Vegetables, type TBD
Dessert Surprise

Sunday Brunch
Cured pork, type TBD
Hash Browns
Steel-cut Oatmeal Porridge
Another Surprise

We have an assortment of drinks available at reasonable prices. There will also be snacks available to keep the Warriors right-side up throughout the day. If you think my food isn't good enough for you, no doubt there will be plenty of rabble selling cheap snacks during the tournament. Go bother them.

Jack here. Dwarven = Swedish, in this case, with appropriate gravy and lingonberry preserves. I am looking forward to everyone's reactions to the surprise items, we have some very nice things planned.

As usual, if you have any specific dietary needs, drop me a line at at least a week ahead of time so that I can best accommodate you. As you might have guessed, Zane isn't quite as personable as Harri, so there might be some in-character grumbling when you come to the window. Rest assured, out of character, the Tavern staff and I are happy to do what we can to provide every participant with safe and tasty meals. So please, don't hesitate to ask. I might not be able to accommodate absolutely everyone, but so far, I have been able to accommodate everyone who has asked.
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