((Autumn Happenings: Shapeshifters and Volcanic Activity))


New Hampshire Staff
As Autumn develops, the more temperate areas of The Isle of Khar-Durai are adorned with the beauty of colorful leaves. The sun shines golden in the cool, clear sky, casting rays that lengthen shadows in the midafternoon. The temperatures drop and the nighttimes lengthen. Rain increases, and the smell of damp earth is strong. These welcome seasonal changes are, however, accompanied by some more ominous developments.

Reports of sightings of what can only be described as “Shapeshifters” have been increasing, with the flux of their transformations seemingly intensifying in frequency and variance. It is not clear whether or not these beasts have a purpose, or where they are coming from. They do not seem organized, but they often attack or harass locals with the same intent as any regular goblin, undead, wild animal, or whatever other creature they appear as at any given moment.

Those traveling around the South and South-Western areas of the Isle – even from a great distance – can witness the large volcano, named Shandorah, begin to intermittently spew smoke. Subtle yet unmistakable rumbling sounds resonate through the air. There are even occasional flashes and sparks, though no lava flows are yet seen. Still, many locals choose to give Shandorah a wider berth these days, opting to not take any chances during this period of increased activity.