Available Services from the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden - February 1515


Let it be known that the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden will be providing the following services to interested parties who will be delving into the ruins.

1) Casting of a Lore Ritual: It is the desire of the Guild to record and document the lore surrounding any items and artifacts found within the ruins before they are lost to the four winds. Therefore I will personally be casting a True Empowered Lore Ritual. It is with this incentive that I hope to encourage all of those present to be willing to allow us to anonymously document your finding thus preserving the knowledge for the future

2) Identification of Magical Items: 5 silver per identification by a trained and duly appointed Celestialist

3) Teaching of Read Magic(subject to Celestial Guild Member Availability)

4) Casting of Wards:2 Gold per Ward - If you wish to purchase this service you may privately contact me.

5) Spellcrafting Services as Outlined below.

6) Purchase of Artifacts: Delving into unknown ruins is dangerous, and you should be compensated. On a limited basis, the Guild may be interested in purchasing or compensating individuals for their artifacts for future study and/or information for future research.

NOTE: We seek to promote a positive working relationship with the Lorekeeper Pelunica, and want to disclose that this is not a competition for who can learn the most. This is a significant moment in history, thus our goal is to learn as much as we can through our combined resources and efforts in a transparent spirit of camaraderie and study.

Lastly, if you desire any rituals to be cast resulting in the consumption of the ritual scroll, please contact me privately, and we will see what can be done to accommodate your needs.

May the Darastrix guide your steps until they bring us the dawn once again,

Arcanist Dure'dhel

Historian and Seeker of the Lost Lore of the Sheltered Lands
Mage and Guildmaster of the Hope's Reach and Shademarch Cadres, Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Mercurian Journeyman of the Solars' Guild of Wayside

Spellcrafting Services:
As a reminder, the magics imbued by spellcrafting rituals will last no longer than 5 days; the rituals below are available for spellcrafting:
-Bane: Will grant you or an item the ability to bane one pre-determined spell or effect back to the caster.
-Cloak: Will grant you or an item the ability to cloak one pre-determined spell or effect.
-Monster Slayer: Will grant a weapon the ability to swing at least two additional dagger blows of damage against a specific type of monster or beast (e.g., the Cursed Corrupt, goblinoids, trolls, undead, etc.).
-Spirit Link: Binds a weapon, shield, or item to your spirit preventing it from being disarmed or stolen.

Costs associated with this service will vary by effect type and strength desired. However the basic costs are as follows:

- If the components for the spellcrafting are provided then the cost is 2 gold per level of spellcraft.
- If you require The Royal Celestial Guild to provide the components the cost is 4 to 5 gold per level of spellcraft (subject to availability).

The Royal Celestial Guild values the privacy and discretion of those seeking services, therefore you are encouraged to contact me privately regarding all requests and costs thereof. Furthermore, if you have a ritual that you wish spellcrafted that is not listed above, the scroll must be provided for study beforehand.
Furthermore to all members of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden we will be having a Guild meeting at high noon near the structure that Loremaster Pelunica has secured. Individuals interested in joining the Guild are also welcome to attend.

May the Darastrix guide your steps until they bring us the dawn once again,

Arcanist Dure'dhel

Historian and Seeker of the Lost Lore of the Sheltered Lands
Mage and Guildmaster of the Hope's Reach and Shademarch Cadres, Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Mercurian Journeyman of the Solars' Guild of Wayside
Guild Master Dure'dhel,

For those wishing to learn Celes Formal Arts, would you be willing to teach? Leon got lost in the woods and I haven't been able to have him teach me yet.

Initiate of Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden
Also GRONK ain't figured out circles 8 and 9 yet but I tink Ilana's s'posed ta teach me since I'm prenticed to her. I'll be at yer meeting.

Prentice GRONK
Dure'dhel, GRONK, Vermouth, and any other adventuring Celestial Guild members,

I hadn't anticipated that the branch would remain so active as a group when so far outside of Gaden's boundaries, but I will be the first to say that it is excellent to hear that you will be meeting together. Now that I know such a meeting is to take place, I would ask you to do me a favor during your time in the Wastes:

According to the Western Sentry I set up to hopefully track where the purple meteorites have been falling, I believe that there is one of them that fell somewhat close to the ruins Dure'dhel has mentioned to me the adventurers will be investigating. I had initially decided that the meteorite was to be left where it was, for I didn't anticipate having any Guild members anywhere near the Wastes to collect it, but perhaps around the time of your meeting, you can seek it out and recover it for further study since you're already out there. I believe it should be a little bit of a walk south of Pelunica's outpost, assuming I have the place you are gathering correct. The other stones that have been gathered are starting to magically behave slightly differently than in past, so I am eager to gather additional samples for examination.

Still, be cautious, for I am sure Ilana and GRONK can tell you that my last encounter with one of the stones did not go particularly successfully... I am still not certain what that being that attacked me was, but I am certain it was connected in some way to the meteorite, so be on alert if you manage to find it.

I hope I find you well,
~ Darius Yanith
Sorcerer of the Royal Celestial Guild of Gaden