Background History


So, making a background history for a chipmunk scavvy named Fydl. Here it is so far. Would like some advice/suggestions on expanding it. Take in the fact though that I am doing this so far sans race packet.

My name's Fydl. I spend most of my time wandering. So does my mind. Guess I should start at the front of my story. I lived with my mom and sister (Fadyl) for thirteen season cycles. We were both born at the end of the hot growing season, probably why there's only the two of us instead of the thirteen my mom's mom had. Not good to have squealers (children) at that time, not enough nuts and berries when the squealers get older. Right when the ground began thawing in my thirteenth cycle mom got fed up of me and Fadyl and she kicked us out. "Fydl and Fadyl, that you are! No help to me, get out!" My sister and I lived together for up until the first frost of the cold months, then one day she disappeared. I spent the cold season in our little burrow hoping she'd come back, then left because I figured she got lost or fell down a well. She was nice though.
I spent a little while living with a guy and what he called his court who liked to have me sniff out poison in their food. The guy had a really really big burrow, and above ground, like all those silly townsfolk. Not as warm up there you know. And it was made out of rocks! The silly human called himself King Brandor or something funny like that. He had a habit of getting all mean from drinking some root drink, mead?, and after he'd set the dogs on me for the eighth time I left.
I spent three seasons with an old toothless human named Phillip. He was really nice, but had a real fondness of daggers, which scared me for the first half season. He wasn't too scary though... he couldn't eat meat. One day in the middle of winter, he woke me up and told me to leave. He gave me one of his daggers, some berries, nuts, and a blanket and pushed me out the door. The next day he had a visitor. The visitor was a mean looking Dwarf with a bunch of scars, and a big axe. I don't think it was used for chopping firewood a lot. They sat outside on my wood chopping blocks and talked from when the sun came up until it was starting to fall behind the trees. Then they started getting angry, and the old man started saying funny words and took out one of his daggers. It was the one I thought was prettiest. It had red streams running up it, and was always hot to the touch when in hand. The dwarf took his axe and swung it at my old friend's head, which rolled off right near me. I started to run to the resurrection circle to see him come back, but I tripped and made a huge noise. The dwarf then turned around, saw me, and came towards me. I ran up a tree and kept moving until the next sunrise.
I don't know where I am now, because in my terror I ran through the part of the forest the old human told me never to go near. It was all cold and damp, he called it the Mists. I found my way to a less damp place, and am liking it so far. There are a lot of berries here.
Anyways, mom always called me a sneaky little devil, and since then that I have lived up to. After running myself blind into the woods, I figured out really fast that goblin eyes pop just like blueberries, and got pretty good at sneaking around, though I still trip over my feet a lot. I know a little about what plants are good for the tummy and what aren't, but keep forgetting because I lose the leaf drawings. I'd like to get one of those "book" things that I see sometimes in town, so I could keep the leaves and what they are good for... maybe get one of those healer-y folks that are so nice to teach me those scratches that mean words.
Seems like an interesting back story to me. Its a little more focused on being an animal then I usually go for (Remember you are a scavenger race, so you are rather large for just a chipmunk, as you are the size you are) I've got to try to get out to Seattle so I can meet her, and lets hope I see her first, what is it about turtle's that says 'waylay me'?