Bad News to Report


So, I was coming to deliver that, uh, thing I have for you, and came upon the tavern building in ruins. It looks like the building has severely been damaged by minotaur. The earth circle no longer stands, the celestial circle too.

I have already begun working on a solution. I have the materials to make more circles, and work has already been started on construction of the building. I'm uncertain if it will be completed before the next gathering we have planned on in a few weeks time. Several close outlying buildings were also damaged, including turnip farmer Millie's lands who also has gone missing. I am working on those restorations as well.

And by the way, that wasn't so easy to make, the thing....but I think you will be happy, it looks fantastic! And no worries, we'll have the town looking the same shortly. If we don't get it all done before our gathering, I'll figure something out for us...maybe I'll call upon the tower, ha!


Norana Stoneshield
Clan Stoneshield, Bel’Aroth Council of Thane Norin
Re: Yeh! I sar it!

aint been too sure who ta tell 'bout it. Few days back I been waitin' far a meetin' with Granger and seen this big group 'a minos comin' out ta forest. They wenta right far the tavern and start hackin' at it. Ya know, I was thinkin' that maybe it was a good thing that Casan had just a left, but then I thought, oh, they prolly wanted it that way, ya? Anywho, then this green crazy lookin' thing came a behind 'em an it went over to yar earth circle an' cast some magic on it. While it was there, I could swear tha thing looked right at me, an smiled? Then the group wen' on up ta the other buildin' an started on it too. Thats when i got up an outta 'eh.

Don know if that helps er not, but that'a what I seen!

Karl McDudley
Norana Stoneshield,

Thankyou for making sure my order is completed, an' thank you for your hard work and I will see you soon. Please make sure no harm comes to the thing you made for me. I have no doubt that you did a wonderful job on it.
We shall speak soon,
-Moon Dancer
Re: We may be of some help...

This news of Prath-Moore is horrible. Norana, I'm very sorry for your loss. I know you have worked so hard to re-build your lands. I have every faith that you will be successful and this temporary setback is nothing more than that.

We feel that it is our time to lend aid to our neighboring lands, as we are all truly together in our efforts. My husband and I will open our private lands to you for your use when you all gather shortly. We have set about freshening up one of the guest areas not in use currently for you. The buildings are all very nice and have all the accommodations you should need.

It will be a fine time to be able to catch up on how things are coming along.

Lastly, any information regarding the whereabouts of Millie should be promptly reported to Magistrate Clarion Arthatus, and I also offer a reward for her safe return.

Onnelith Silverthread