Bake Sale in Horizon


Good Neighbors,

Some of you may have heard of the Larson's new bundles of joy, twins! who could believe it? Well to put it plain Wayne and Laura desperately need to add some extra baby furniture and I'm sure a few extra coins would never hurt.

So in order to help out I'm holding a bake sale, come stop on by we've got pies, breads, even some fresh meat to cook up, most items are between one and three coppers, so it's okay to indulge for a good cause!

With any luck we'll raise a few silvers for our neighbors in need!

-Audrey Mercoux
Audrey, when will this bake sale be taking place? As a merchant of food and drink myself I would like to avoid conflicting with your sale so as to not take money away from your cause.

-Oliver Oleander
Oh probably early next week, I need a few days to cook up enough treats to sell after all!

-Audrey Mercoux
How did this go? I hope it was quite successful. If you come by the tavern in 3 weeks time I'll be happy to offer some coin for any additional treats.

- Asher