Bandit Attacks on the rise in Rivenside.


I thought you adventuring folks might be interested in some news to the north, it's a shame the gazette never really made many inroads into your neck of the woods.

Nesstled between the mountain peaks and overseeing the road between our fine Roskarian lands and our neighbors in Gaden to the south, Rivenside has always been a popular stopping point for travels, caravans and merchants making their way from one nation to the other. Over the winter it seems Rivenside has also been once again attracting more than it's share of bandits as tough times and harsh winters strain many families, some turn towards brigandry to make their way in the world.

More than just your average bandits, reports have been noted from many caravans of well planned ambushes, some in the area worry that this will cause a clash of the miltary and the brigand groups later in the year when the trails once again filled with resources and wares traveling from Roskaria down into Gaden.

- Roheer the Scribe.
It's unfortunate there has been an increase in bandit activity near the border. It's often times we are blind to the activities of lands outside of the Grey Barony. As a man of law, I'll do what I can to assist the local authority if needed. Would you kindly point me in the direction of the Sheriff of the lands of Rivenside?

You may contact me by pigeon, I'll be in Hope's Reach staying at the Wolf's Den Inn.

- Asher
Deputy Sheriff of Shademarch
Darkcrescent said:
It's unfortunate there has been an increase in bandit activity near the border. It's often times we are blind to the activities of lands outside of the Grey Barony. As a man of law, I'll do what I can to assist the local authority if needed. Would you kindly point me in the direction of the Sheriff of the lands of Rivenside?

You may contact me by pigeon, I'll be in Hope's Reach staying at the Wolf's Den Inn.

- Asher
Deputy Sheriff of Shademarch

Well the last sheriff in the area was a man who went by the name of Kevin Emry, I should note that he is known to travel a lot, and his name (along with about 500 others) is on the list of people believed to be Jimmy-Three-Faced.


I believe that list is growing almost every day. I have personally caught quite a few making the claim of Jimmy-Three-Face. All however have not been the real one of course. I'll make sure to put an end to these raids though, and find the right Jimmy-Three-Face, that, you have my word on.

- Asher
The regularly scheduled shipment of goods from Roskaria to the Gaden Military is due to roll through in about ten days on the 24th, so if folks want to make sure things are cleaned out before that you'll probably want to do so on the 23rd to avoid from getting underfoot of the officials.

-Human voice,
Not recognized as having ever spoken before in the dream realms.