Banquet Event Announced! December 1st-2nd (Saturday start!)


See above, The Banquet event will open doors to site at 9 AM, With game on at Noon, going until 2 PM the next day. Relogistics will happen Sunday morning at 9 am. Saturday will feature a Banquet, with an In Game auction, and a potential (Donations pending) Out of Game Silent Auction to help raise money for the yearly 'Insurance Hump' as well as other operating costs.

The site is fairly closely contained and features fully heated buildings, bathrooms and showers for your comfort.

We'll open up pre-regs after the castle event, but I hope to see everyone there!
Re: Banquet Event Announced! December 1st-2nd (Saturday star

Don't worry guys, I'll actually be there. <3

Miss you all. :(
Re: Banquet Event Announced! December 1st-2nd (Saturday star

Will there be combat involved?
Re: Banquet Event Announced! December 1st-2nd (Saturday star

there was last year! just a focus on the banquet part. :)
Re: Banquet Event Announced! December 1st-2nd (Saturday star

YAY! Food and Fighting! Hopefully not at the same time though... I'll try to muster a force of several men to combat the food, and maybe the corrupt... but mostly the food. ;)
Re: Banquet Event Announced! December 1st-2nd (Saturday star

The venison was fiesty, and then became feasty.
Re: Banquet Event Announced! December 1st-2nd (Saturday star

I hope someone brings venison... That would be amazing.

Consequently. I'll be at the event. Might even be able to take some time off and make the whole event.

Also if there's anything we would like cooked up and brought with, I can arrange something.