Barbarian homelands.

JP Smith

I'm looking at making a barbarian character, I have been looking through the HQ chapter books, where are the barbarian lands, or are they super nomadic with no lands of their own?
Short answer: Choose an existing tribe.

Long answer: No, you can't just make one up off the top of your head. However, if you really feel your character concept doesn't fit with any of the existing tribes you have a few options:

1. Your character left their tribe and doesn't have one. This may have in-game consequences with other barbarians, but is certainly within the rules.

2. If want to make up a new tribe it must be approved by the plot team. There's a great deal of thought and work and balance put into each of the existing ones, so adding one is much more than just making up a name, and altering a race packet is not something we do lightly.

If you want to talk about option 2, shoot me an email ( We'll see what we can work out.

HQ Head of Plot
I'm new to the forums, but am excited at the prospect of seeing more barbarians in game. Hope to meet you at the opener.