Barony of Drewynn


This is the second of our Baronies of the new Alliance Denver Larp World for the upcoming campaign.
We will be doing four posts a month (once a week) with information about the territory and what to expect in those areas.

Here is the link for the Baronies in each County in the Duchy of Tieveth
County of Brigosa
Barony of Drewynn:
Barony of Blackmoor:
The District of Portunis:
Barony of Astelan:

County of Ellowi
Barony of Thialor: Coming in July 2021
Barony of Caloam: Coming in August 2021
Barony of Pendallen: Coming in September 2021
Barony of Hoeveth: Coming in October 2021

County of Galiseth
Barony of Westbeach: Coming in November 2021
Barony of Durrani: Coming in December 2021
Barony of Lothaudith: Coming in January 2021
Barony of Falconhurt: Coming in February 2021

A HUGE Thank you goes out to the World Building/Plot Team for all of their hard work and their brainpower to get this off the ground. Our volunteers, staff, and organizers are some of the best out there and we can’t thank them enough for their time.
Hope you all enjoy it!

The Barony of Drewynn


Drewynn always gets a mixed reaction from the peregrini. It is often thought of as such a place of glamor, that young adventurers often find themselves there. But just as often is used as a cautionary: all that shines is not gold. The seat of power for the County of Brigosa emulates some of the best cultures that Velia has to offer, but is just as enamored with its own self-image.

Its importance should not be undervalued, however. Many commodities come from Drewynn that support the Realm as a whole. From steel to healing potions the exports from Drewynn are always in high demand.

Baronial Capital: Emberhill
County Capital: Elderlight
Baronial Leadership: Baron Renfred Marshrow (Hobling)
County Leadership: Countess Luna Cunningham (Oathsworn)
Population: 7 city’s worth in total
Major Philosophy: Ancestry
Major Societies: Realm Army / Herbalist Society / High Society / Artist (Bohemian) / The Weeds and The Trough
Major Commodities:
Iron Mines
Fashion (Henna, Hair Braids)

Heraldic Colors: Yellow and Violet

Barony of Drewynn - Heraldry.png


The Barony of Drewynn has the fewest cities dotting the long roads around the large hills that have split down the middle of the lands. The cities grew up around The Rolling Hills of Ellingshaw, all three cities at one point owned and run by the infamous Ellingshaw family that have, in the past century disappeared by choice from the shame of an unknown slight on The Trine. The name has remained, as a warning against the territory between Emberhill and Elderlight, those that go in don’t come out the same. Most you meet on the roads are seeking fame, desiring to heal ailments, or stopping along at the myriad of inns towards the sea beyond or the District of Portunis.


This Barony seems to be on the verge of something great, always trying to be the next best thing, if not better than what lies to the West of them. Velia is held in the highest esteem to those in Emberhill, an unattainable point that everyone aspires to. Anyone, any product that is chosen to come to Velia and sell their wares is revered. It’s the goal for those in Emberhill.

Due to the Rolling Hills of Ellingshaw, this territory has three distinct cultures that have their own style. Emberhill is vibrant colors, gems, and colored hair with a mixture of braids as well as body art. Henna and body painting is considered art and widely accepted. Bright colored dresses, embroideries, mixed prints, volume, fringe and flared silhouettes.
Elderlight is more subdued in its colors, a working-class people that dress in reds and blues due to the abundance of fruit do dye their clothing. They also use braids in their hair often, red and blue ribbons woven into the plaits usually signify station in the area.
Hearthhallow wears flowers in all of its clothing. Many times dresses are adorned with dried or petrified flowers, flowers/plants are dried and flattened, and sewn into armor. They also wear braids however their identifying features are flower crowns or long Viney flowers hanging from their tresses.

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Festival of Illumination- Large festival every spring in Elderlight, a holiday with distant roots, but today it is mostly associated with acts of courage, fireworks, games of chance, and lighting candles.
Luminary - The townsfolk choose someone from town every year to carry the first candlelit and light the main candles in town for all other candles to be lit from.

Marriage Crown of Flowers - It is a tradition in Drewynn to wear a crown of flowers when you get married. It's supposed to unite the families of the married couple.

Festival of the Hill - This is a week-long festival where skilled workers share ideas, sample new mediums or cooking ideas, and reveal new items or items they have been working on. This is held in Emberhill in the month of July.

Convention of Thorns - The Weeds and the Trough holds an annual gathering, in Hearthhollow, to determine which flora and fauna are being planted that year. This often gets input from the Healers Guild to help with what they think will be forthcoming ailments

Cranberry Blossom Festival- The annual Cranberry Blossom Festival celebrates the tiny, delicate flower that blooms on cranberry vines held in Elderlight in September.



(The County seat of power)

Leadership: Countess Luna Cunningham (Oathsworn)
Notable Societies:
Realm Army
Troopers of Nydabeth (T.O.N.)
Herbalist Society
Population: Three city’s worth
Iron Mines
Coal Mines
Notable NPC’s:

Colonel Xanthus Hoeveth (Dark Elf) - From a notable, and influential family. Has risen to
the high rank of Colonel, and currently commands the Fort Steelguard
Syldar (Hobling)- Sculptor in Emberhill that is making a name for themself by working the emotive stone harvested from deep within the earth at Elderlight.
Rennar & Colleen Whitmoon (Elves) - Owners of The Gifted Harp

Established on the edge of bogs to the north and the Hills of Ellingshaw to the west, the township of Elderlight is home to hard but beautiful people that reside within.
This township wasn't built in its location by accident as it has fertile soils, which is of great importance to the people of Elderlight and its success.

The township itself looks magnificent. With its vine-covered rooftops, stone walls, and soggy fields in the north, it is truly a town born from hard work, love of the land, and dreamy, dewy mornings.

Those from Elderlight are mainly supported by the Bogs of Red and Blue, the mines to the west, or other trades that work with the harsh stone of the treasures from the bogs.

Elderlight POI​

Round Rock - A mysterious perfectly round rock that stands nearly 20ft tall, located to the West of Elderlight. It is too heavy to roll and never seems to chip. It is the center of many local legends, varying wildly on their truthfulness.

Known rare plants in the Swamp of Elderlight :
The Echium Spectabile is a very rare, giant plant and can be found mostly in swamps. It blooms in early winter. It has narrow, paired leaves, which are usually dark orange. It also grows large flowers, which can be bronze, red and light pink.

These plants grow separated by a fair distance from each other, but it's really tricky to control and maintain their growth. They can be brewed as a tea.

As a defense mechanism, the Echium Spectabile mimics the overall look of a different, poisonous plant. They rely on animal pollination to reproduce. To promote pollination, they produce delicious nectar.

The Bogs of Blue and Red - Large bogs of blueberries, and cranberries north of Elderlight

The Gifted Harp is a tavern owned by Rennar and Colleen Whitmoon
From the outside, it looks warm, well maintained, and welcoming. Soft wooden planks and hard wooden pillars make up most of the building's outer structure. It's tough to see through the windows, but the sounds of dancing and singing from within can be felt outside.

Entering the tavern through the huge, hard wooden door, there is a welcome sight of laughing voices and the smile of a waitress. The bartender is working hard but still manages to offer a friendly wave.

It's as alluring inside as it is on the outside. Several walls support the upper floor and the lights attached to them. The walls are packed with rows of painted portraits.

The tavern itself is packed. Workers seem to be the primary clientele here, which often means great company. Several long tables are occupied by, what seems to be one large group of people. The other, smaller tables are also occupied by people who are clearly having a good time. Even most of the stools at the bar are occupied, though nobody seems to mind more company.

Fort Steelguard - The Realm established Fort Steelguard in Elderlight to protect the iron and coal mines. The commodities are gathered here before shipping into Lowtown of Elderlight for processing.

Festival of Illumination- Large festival every spring in Elderlight, a holiday with distant roots, but today it is mostly associated with acts of courage, fireworks, games of chance, and lighting candles.
Luminary - The townsfolk chose someone from town every year to carry the first candlelit and light the main candles in town for all other candles to be lit from.

Cranberry Blossom Festival- The annual Cranberry Blossom Festival celebrates the tiny, delicate flower that blooms on cranberry vines held in Elderlight in September.


(Baronial Seat)​

Leadership: Lord Renfred Marshrow (Hoblings)
Notable Societies:
High Society
Artist (Bohemian)
Philosophy: Spiritual Capitalism
Population: Three city’s worth
Fashion (Henna, Hair Braids)
Notable NPC’s:

Drel Cloudglade - Female Dryad - Drel is a showperson, a flamboyant storyteller, a drama queen, a casual drinker, and a protector of the local and foreign artists. Drel is the charter representative for the Trouboudor’s Guild in Drewynn.
Rumor is, she is the lone survivor from the traveling "Smilin' Lioness" female-identifying troupe of her youth. Her company was invited to perform and stay at a castle in a neighboring kingdom. The hosts turned out to be vampires having a bit of sport. When the clock struck late, the vampires ate. Drel only just managed to get away - her whole troupe dying.

During the attack, a vampire grabbed Drel’s leg. Her leg is now limp - there is very little muscle on the calf, and the skin twists into a bunch with a handprint in it. She gets around using a crutch that she put some lutestrings on. This attack also drained the color from her eyes and hair, aging her a few decades. After a while she saved up to buy her own small tavern "The Broken Lute" where she caters to up-and-coming musicians, comedians, and theatrical art types, slinging ale and listening to them perform.

The city of Emberhill was built at the crossroads of Velia and is truly a leading-edge sight. Its grace is matched by the backdrop of The Rolling Hills of Ellingshaw which have helped shape the city into what it is today.
The resources from Velia and the Hills allowed Emberhill to become a fast-growing and known city of great importance, but they were also influential when it came to artistry and theatre as the vast majority of buildings have been built with many natural elements as well as vibrant colors and unique designs.
Its multicultural identity has truly left its mark. Hundreds of artisans, chefs, and clothiers offer a plethora of choices for those looking to feed off the energy, fill their closet or their homes.

Emberhill POI​

The Supremacy Theater
Was built 61 years ago in Emberhill and designed by the Oathsworn. Left with little support since the long-time and well-respected High Ogre, Murob Teturok, the curator has died. Current ownership is now disputed between a young and frazzled, but well-meaning, dwarven thespian, Kinmir Cragbelly, and a pompous businessman of questionable means and motives, Jassin Uladove.

Artisans Arcade - Located in Emberhill, this long, fabric, and wood draped street is where up and coming artisans, actors, clothiers, and the like share their skills. Many of the skilled craftspeople are “found” here and requested to come to Velia to set up shop. This is considered the most lively of streets in Nydabeth with performances, showcases, and artistic trades going on all time of day/night.

The Shifting Hills
A large field of hills, dotted with rocks, grasses, and flowers is located to the east of Emberhill. Careful study has found the hills are constantly moving, as though old creatures crawl along under a carpet of earth. Magics that call upon the earth always seem to produce unexpected results when among the hills.

Kelstina’s Curio
This notable shop is renowned for its unusual assortment of rare items. It was operated by Gorluin Kelstina (Sylvanborn) and the love of his life Saida (elf) until The Betrayal took Saida’s life. The shop has been a shell of its former self since then.

Festival of the Hill - This is a week-long festival where skilled workers share ideas, sample new mediums or cooking ideas, and reveal new items or items they have been working on. This is held in Emberhill in the month of July.


Leadership: Mayor Ella-Rose Henderson (High Orc)
Notable Societies: The Weeds and The Trough
Population: One city’s worth
Notable NPC’s:

Tien Morel (Human) - Gardener whose wife died and he has continued to maintain the plants in the town for The Weeds and the Trough.

The burg itself looks delightful and the community is more tight-knit than others in the Barony. Hearthhallow has a charming atmosphere and aromatic flowers grow on the NE side of the town, courtesy of Tien Morel, whose wife passed away 15 years ago from a simple illness. In her memory he has created and taken care of The Field of Weeds, heading up the planting of a multitude of flowers that people can use for herbs for ailments.

The community pulls the weeds and takes care of the gardens most days and they have an annual meeting called the Convention of Thorns - every year seeking new seeds, new things that need to be added.

Hearthhollow POI​

The Field of Weeds - large areas outside Hearthhollow that are specifically planted by The Weeds and Trough.

Convention of Thorns - The Weeds and the Trough holds an annual gathering, in Hearthhollow, to determine which flora and fauna are being planted that year. This often gets input from the Healers Guild to help with what they think will be forthcoming ailments

Bird Hill - A grassy hill of noticeable height rises to the north of Hearthhallow before you crest to the Rolling Hills of Ellingshaw. On the hill are several lines of cobblestone that do not grow grass and have no discernible pattern from the surface.

Points of Interest in the Barony of Drewynn​

The Rolling Hills of Ellingshaw -
The Ellingshaw family was one of the first settlers in the area. Through the years the family grew corrupt, but were pushed out of power, and retreated into the rolling hills of the barony. Over the years the Ellingshaw family faded into the annals of history. But their name has become synonymous with the danger the hills present. Bandits, monsters, natural disasters are rampant in the Hills.

Bird Hill - A grassy hill of noticeable height rises to the north of Hearthhallow before you crest to the Rolling Hills of Ellingshaw. On the hill are several lines of cobblestone that do not grow grass and have no discernible pattern from the surface.

The Supremacy Theater - Was built 61 years ago in Emberhill and designed by the Oathsworn. Left with little support since the long-time and well-respected High Ogre, Murob Teturok, the curator has died. Current ownership is now disputed between a young and frazzled, but well-meaning, dwarven thespian, Kinmir Cragbelly, and a pompous businessman of questionable means and motives, Jassin Uladove.

Artisans Arcade - This is a location in Emberhill where up and coming artisans, actors, clothiers, and the like share their skills. Many of the skilled craftspeople are “found” here and requested to come to Velia to set up shop.

The Shifting Hills - A large field of hills, dotted with rocks, grasses, and flowers is located to the east of Emberhill. Careful study has found the hills are constantly moving, as though old creatures crawl along under a carpet of earth. Magics that call upon the earth always seem to produce unexpected results when among the hills.

Fort Steelguard - The Realm established Fort Steelguard in Elderlight to protect the iron and coal mines. The commodities are gathered here before shipping into Lowtown of Elderlight for processing.

The Gifted Harp is a well-known tavern owned by Rennar and Colleen Whitmoon located in High Town Elderlight.

The Bogs of Blue and Red - Large bogs of blueberries, and cranberries located north of Elderlight

Round Rock - A mysterious perfectly round rock that stands nearly 20ft tall, located to the West of Elderlight. It is too heavy to roll and never seems to chip. It is the center of many local legends, varying wildly on their truthfulness.

Kelstina’s Curio
This notable shop in Emberhill is renowned for its unusual assortment of rare items. It was operated by Gorluin Kelstina (Sylvanborn) and the love of his life Saida (elf) until The Betrayal took Saida’s life. The shop has been a shell of its former self since then.

The Field of Weeds - large areas outside Hearthhallow that are specifically planted by The Weeds and Trough.

Artisans Arcade - Located in Emberhill, this long, fabric, and wood draped street is where up and coming artisans, actors, clothiers, and the like share their skills. Many of the skilled craftspeople are “found” here and requested to come to Velia to set up shop. This is considered the most lively of streets in Nydabeth with performances, showcases, and artistic trades going on all time of day/night.
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