Basic weapons and gear


Hey folks this is Mike, i'm working along with Marcus S., to offer players a chance for some cheaper starter weapons, plus some basic gear. We are working on making basic start swords flat blades made with the finest quality foam, and each is hand made.

We need at least 10 swords ordered to make this worth it, Here is the outline of what we willl be offering. Starting march 1st we will eb taking orders, and closing them march 14th, there is a very small chance that we will get too many orders and have to close early, but we will see about that.

If you wish to buy in you need to get your money to use by march 14th, hard dead line, any money no gotten by march 14th will be canceled. Marcus will set up a paypal account, although we do lose money per order which is the reason I dislike using pay pal. we prefer checks or cash.

Shipping- If you live outside the bay area, or LA area you will need to cover the cost of shipping.

Completion- We will complete orders as we can we hope to have all orders completed by april 15th, with a maxium dead line of may 15th. Please take in mind we have to order cores and other suppiles from suppilers once we have all the orders totalled, and the time it takes to get cores is some times outside our control.

Batch weapon order-

Single hander swords

Roc max lenght single hander- 45
Alliance max lenght single hander- short 28-36 long 36-48

Weapon details:
Lenght: Offer weapons from 30 to 50 inches in total, When you order you must speicify lenght.

Blade Style: weapons can be single edged katana shaped or standard long sword

Covers: weapons can be covered in either black or grey you pick

Cross guards: come up with 1-3 simple designs for each Will post pics soon.

Handles: rope wrapped: Offer 2-3 colors ( black, red, green )

Core: Either solid core fiberglass(cheaper) or the 505 from goodwin (lighter, this is mine standard core, light flexable and decently tough)

Fiber glass core: $40
505 core: $50
No crossguard: -3
Full thrusting tip: +5 This means full open cell foam thursting tip, all weapons will have short profile thrustings on them, some larps reqiure open cell must be used on their tips to pass weapons.

Other things we can offer with your sword order When you order just let us know what extras you like to purchase, you can buy as many of them as you wish.

Shivs: Add a shiv 12 inches - $30 Short stabbys

Simple velcro sword frog: $ 5-7

Symbol: We would leather work and then paint their house/ order/ group symbol on up to a small piece of leather These can be attached to bracers or belts or made into a necklace or belt favor. You will need to send us the design for this, and we will work with you on it.
( sizes in inches)
2x2- $10
3x3- $15
4x4- $20
6x6- $25

Belts : 2” ring belts, 6’ length (black or brown) $25

bracers : Black, Brown, Red, Green
Basic lace up:$30 one color. $35 two colors.
Basic buckle $35 one color. Two colors $40.
Heavy Buckle bracers 0ne or two colors $75
All others $45

Examples of Marcus's work can be seen in person or at Darkshire Forge on facebook. ... 4456102255

Examples of My leather working can be seen in person

Both of us have made weapons, leather and stuff for larpers all over the US.

Please post questions below. I will let you guys know when we will be accepting orders.

-Mike Chagnon
Hey guys,
I would like to endorse this. Marcus and Mike both make high quality stuff (my belt, and some of my other equipment was made by mike, and I have some shivs from marcus) and both have been great to work with to make sure I got what I was looking for.
