Baykok Location Discovered


Minnesota Staff
Last market in Gavaria, I left Atupal early to seek out the location of the home of the Baykoks in Passwall. My mission was successful. Within the Blood Mist there is a densely wooded valley that swarms with many powerful undead. There is a clearing within that has several dilapidated buildings elevated in the trees. In this clearing there is a cauldron that radiates green and pink light. This cauldron seems to create Baykoks using Old Magic, even infusing Baykoks with it. I also saw the grey robed archer Aeris among the Baykok's number. I overheard the following conversation which I will write verbatim here.

"Is it finished?"
"Sealed and reinforced, there are seventeen Resists, they would need to Suppress it first, then deliver multiple Massive blows to destroy the Cauldron."
"And what of the incursions?"
"We can't maintain as much territory without the hordes. Let them keep what they've taken."
"Sir Vinland has cut off their advances. He will return soon to guard this place."
"Can he be controlled?"
"To an extent. He will stay where we keep him and kill the living he finds."
"We have our targets?"
"We cannot tread upon the Divining Pool, but the other three have been identified."
"Then let us begin."

At that point I was finally discovered. I stood my ground and fought as long as I could, however I was marked by a Baykok and was felled in the clearing. I woke up in Atupal after being resurrected. The Baykoks are mobilizing, hopefully others might be able to explain what targets they may be after. I am sure it is some of the Seal sites. We need to protect what we can and strike back at their home. I will be happy to discuss this while we begin to gather, and look forward to seeing everyone soon.

-Kazymyr Drachen