Be Immortalized in Song by the famous Maxwell Moore


The next item I have up for auction is a song, by the (in?)famous Maxwell Moore. He is Guildmaster of the Bard's Guild in Valdanis. He was the MC of the last Bard Competition held in Vandlar where the DracoLich was slain.

Maxwell has offered to created a ballad as a donation to the auction for this years dinner at the Duchess of Barclay's.

As the auctioneer, I do not normally bid for myself, but I would like to place a starting bid of 10 gold in my own name if none find this disagreeable.

Best of Luck to all Bidders,
Bob the Blacksmith

check out the dinner

for auction edict
All bidding in the dream realms will end on the 10th day of the 3rd month to give me time to tabulate and collect all the information into something comprehensive enough for the live auction that will take place on the 12th day of the 3rd month at the Ducal Manor of Barclay.
Young Masters and Mistresses,

I had a great question about this auction and thought it should be answered here.

Question: "Can the winner choose someone else to be immortalized??"

Answer: "Of course!"

I personally was going to use it for myself, but now I think of all the comrades I have lost to the good fight and can think of even more appropriate use for this song.

Best of luck bidding,
Ah my dreams of suprising a lovely lady with a song by the famous Maxwell have been dashed! It must be fate, I wouldn't dream of outbidding such a royal lady when she desires such entertainment.

I have an anonymous bid from a certain seafaring monetary entrepreneur of 16 gold

Best of luck Bidding,
Bidding is closed, if you wish to buy anything at this point, contact someone you know will be at the live auction. I will still offer my services as a proxy, but no bids will be posted here. I will put up the winning price, but not who won, when I return from marketday and have time to dream. Thank you for following along.

Bob the Blacksmith
this sold for 20 gold
20 gold? That is either impressive for a song or very low for immortality. I'm not sure which.

Either way I want someone to pay me 20 gold to write a song about them.

Sun-Li Yin (Michiko)
Michiko said:
20 gold? That is either impressive for a song or very low for immortality. I'm not sure which.

Either way I want someone to pay me 20 gold to write a song about them.

Sun-Li Yin (Michiko)

Perhaps the name Maxwell has not reached to your lands. In Valdanis, his reach and reknown are un-parralled. A song written by him would be on the lips of every bard in the land. Its words and rhythm would beat in the hearts of men for years. In this case, it the song will be used to immortalize some heroes in the land. Helping them to win the hearts and minds of a scared people.

20 gold may be a lot for a song, but it is very inexpensive to inspire a nation.

Vry, why do you want to make me cry?

Idris, I look forward to hearing this song some day then.

-Sun-Li Yin
Vry, stop making women cry, that is not polite behavior for a squire.

~ Avian
Its ok. Hopefully Heresy will add "Being a Good Squire" to Vry's training schedule. I'm sure he'll be in tip-top noble shape in no time.

-Sun-Li Yin

P.S. I'm going to go hide in my ward now. I'll come out in 100 years when they're both dead from old age.
I'd pay Michiko for a song, but then she'd probably just spend all the gold on wine again.

May your days be filled with shadow,
Sssssshhhhhhhh!! Do you have any idea who might be listening? I've already gotten in enough trouble over this!

Besides, I have been very good lately. All I drink now is tea. Well there was that one little cup of Astikir but it really wasn't a big deal.

-Sun-Li Yin
I find myself flattered, but I am a meer bearer of de song an wit dat my music brings. For I find dat one can have the most vonderful of written songs, but if one can not hold a tune it vill be terrible. An if one has true talent and de heart of de poet, then one can take de most horrible of tunes and turn it into something beautiful. Now I do not profess to be de greatest talent, nor do I pretend to be. I am just a Bard who knows how to make an audience happy.

MAxwell Maximus Maldavia Moore