Beacon #6


*copies of this leaflet will be found throughout Wayside, especially in Briarpass*

The Beacon #6

People of Wayside,

I owe each and every one of you an apology. For these many months I’ve been hiding my true identity behind that of Delia Thorne, a name fabricated as a thorn in the side of tyranny. What I wrote in the first Beacon about being moved to take action…that was true. I saw a story that needed telling, that would benefit you all to hear, that would hopefully inspire you, as it inspired me. But I also saw that to tell the story truly I would have to speak against Renley Firstborn and his Brotherhood of the Light. I knew that as long as Renley was in power, I would have to anger the High Regent, even break laws to bring that tale to you. I knew that were I to speak out openly I would be risking the safety of all those I cared about. Everyone, that I tried to help, or who befriended me or who was associated with me in any way, would be at risk of reprisal. You deserved to hear the truth, but I didn’t want to put anyone in danger because of my actions. That was why I created Delia Thorne and The Beacon.

I now make known that I, Kyrie Ave, am Delia Thorne. I formally apologize and beg forgiveness from each of you for my deception. You have my assertion that apart from this secret all that I wrote to you was the truth.

Apologies however are not sufficient. Not only were laws broken but I broke my oath as a Master of Wayside to uphold those laws. To name a few, it has been said that Delia Thorne has committed fraud, obstruction of justice, sedition, treason… I understood these charges when I wrote the very first letter. I acted with knowledge and purpose. I believe that what I did was justified and necessary. I do not regret writing The Beacon nor will I hide from the consequences that are due me.

With full disclosure and admission, I hereby throw myself upon the mercy of our new King. By the time this leaflet is read, I will have already turned myself in to await his judgment. I accept fully any punishment that he deems just.

May truth be the beacon that lights our paths forward so that tyranny can never again darken our doorstep.

Kyrie Ave
Hehe. Delia good name. Nye be ashamed. Everyone uses pen name when dhey afraid or want to use symbolism.

You good woman in eyes of dhis Rom still.

Fortune Follow You,

Master Kyrie,

I have recently tasted betrayal twice in a day. I found the truth of my order and heard my sworn liege lady Lady proclaim her innocence outloud while apologizing for the offense accused of. Trust me, your words didnt bring the same bilish flavor.

As the man who hunted you, I am glad you said what you said. I wouldnt have caught on.

Darrel Cole
Mr. Cole

Dis fills me with curiosity. Who are you sworn to?
