So I've sent plot submissions to allianceplot at and plot at but I haven't gotten notes that they were received. I realize it's probably too late to do much before the upcoming HQ event, but I am hopeful somehting can be done.
One was a request for a response to my March submission (I know this March submission was received), one was a quick letter to Sir Eros (June submission - no idea if it was received), and one was a module submission (a lowbie mod related to viewtopic.php?f=57&t=1469 - no idea if it was received)
I apologize in advance if plot is just too busy. Just tell me to stop emailing you! If there's a possibility someone might look at the submissions, do I need to resend them and where to?
One was a request for a response to my March submission (I know this March submission was received), one was a quick letter to Sir Eros (June submission - no idea if it was received), and one was a module submission (a lowbie mod related to viewtopic.php?f=57&t=1469 - no idea if it was received)
I apologize in advance if plot is just too busy. Just tell me to stop emailing you! If there's a possibility someone might look at the submissions, do I need to resend them and where to?