Bender's Game

Anyone see the new Futurama DVD? It's called "Bender's Game" (Heh! Orson Scott Card fans like that one) and it involves Bender getting obsessed with Dungeons and Dragons, and eventually finds all the characters sucked into a D&D world -- which of course contains numerous puns jokes and satires of Lord of the Rings and so on. Better yet, D&D (although played by kids in the film) is not seen as something evil or nerdy or anything, really, and Leela really likes it when she gets sucked into the alternate world. (And her make out scene with Amy is good too).




Here are some good quotes:

Frydo: Why aren't you killing it, Leela? You love killing!
Leegola: [Looking at her reflection in her sword covered with Zoiberg's blood] No! No more killing!
Monster Zoidberg: Ohhhhhh! So suddenly Miss Goody Four Shoes over here doesn't kill anymore. She killed me not five minutes ago! What am I, chopped liver?
Leegola: Shut up!
[She starts slashing at him again with her sword]
Monster Zoidberg: Ow! Stop chopping my liver!

Leegola: What else can we slay? Is that a hobbit over there?
Titanius Anglesmith: No, that's a hobo and a rabbit. But they're making a hobbit.

Titanius Anglesmith: Prepare for a surprise attack.

[Momon has transformed into a dragon and with the Die of Power, Frydo transforms into a dragon as well]
Frydo: So it's all come down to this... a dungeon... and dragons!
Monster Zoidberg: I didn't see it coming.

The Great Wizard Greyfarn: Yes, tis a powerful object in both our worlds. If you fail to destroy it in yours, perhaps you were brought here that you might have have a second chance!
Frydo: So this land is real?
The Great Wizard Greyfarn: Oooh dreadfully real. If you die here you'll really be dead. But instead of science, we believe in crazy hocus-pocus. It's like Kansas.
Aw man, I thought this was going to be about Brian and Chazz.
It's now going in my Netflix queue.