Best Moments of October 05!!


Hey, I get to start one this time!

My best moments of October 05' were as follows.

1. Eli's costume. Despite the lack of sleep and pricked fingers and sewing shoulders and aching back/eyes and black fuzzies all up in my clothes/carpet/nose, it came out looking really awesome. Eli=Da Pimp.

2. *whap* "I'll never learn!" *whap* "I'll never learn!" *whap* "I'll never learn!" <---Best weapon carrier EVAR.

3. "But a love 9 would only work on the appropriate gender." *all eyes turn to kitty, the only girl in the group. Kitty, totally not getting it, "What?!"

4. Being extremely literal. . . *packet whap* "That means you're married now." Kitty: O_O aw crap.

5. Polare and Gregor's off color jokes. >_< I never get to react to those. . .

6. Zebra Launching! Wait, no. DRUNKEN Zebra Launching!

7. Kelly's cooking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

8. Deciding with cassandra On A Whim, to go to the east coast event. O_O ON A WHIM! It'll be awesome.

9. PCing!!!!!!!!! I love it. And it was cool playing this game because I didn't know the plotline. :D

That's all I can think of at the moment. EEEEEE next weekend!! *joy!*
"What do I see?"

"The Magistrate... in a bathrobe."
Daylinn (sp?): I could explain the whole thing, but you would think I was drunk or mad; let's just leave it as confusing.

Nando: No, please, do explain.

Daylinn gives his spin on the whole Crocevia/Crossroads deal.

Nando: So which is it? Are you drunk or mad?
"Burn! We won't do it!" Aww... the sweet defiance of youth.
Elryion, Shikar, Daylinn, and Gregor Rift Out. Everyone runs amok.
Watching the battle against the Fell Stone Golem.
Zot?s belief that because he was disguised he couldn?t be seen. Oh, and Shikarkar!
Nando to Elryion ?It?s always a pleasure? </sarcasm>

I'm certain there's more...
-Going through an event on a personal record low of collectove hours of sleep, both before, and during the event

-The undead fought at the end, on the cumulation of this

-Fighting for my life one on one with a Silver wolf in the fell portal thingy, while everyone watched, being saved at the very last moment the only way they could.

-finding out after, that both me and Brewer (playing the wolf) were each one hit from dropping when I was saved

-fighting with a gold dagger. Theres something satisfying about that. But it had to break *cry*

-Someone (elryion I think): Meet in that corner!
*all the scavengers huddle in that corner while everyone else meanders about the area*

im sure theres more...theres always more!
Nate?s Kobalt, beating his head against a tree in exasperation, as his goblin minions played ?Spin the Stick? and donned party hats and ate slugs. For half an hour.

Running around and howling for two hours, under the light of the waning harvest moon.

Being a goat. Bleating at people. Biting Erik?s thumb. (Sorry about that!) Sasei fighting ruthlessly to protect us. The tragic end of the goats, as they faded out of existence Sunday morning.

Taking pictures! I love being a photo ninja!

JP as the lovesick troll-lady with detachable boobs. That sure got some PCs running!

Waiting in ambush Friday night! And actually attacking some people that weren?t OOG!

And being the Goblin that made Polare and Gregar cry. (the fakers!) And not getting killed for it!

And Kelly's food! I miss it already!

And the great weather in the Fell Realm! As Kelly was saying, it's amazing how the weather went right back to normal (rain) the moment the Fell Realm went away.

And seeing seeing all you guys. ^_^ It's good to be back.
Hey Hayley, any chance we could get a link to those pics you took? I know this game now. Download all pictures as soon as possible so max people have them when the album crashes. :D I'm sure everyone would appreciate it. I sure would. ^_^


Yes, and Dante, you fighting on little sleep and the Scavenger Corner Huddle were quite awesome and also belong on my list.
-Being chased around a crowded tavern by a wolf.

-Being the Zebra in the catapult...Err Zebrapult.

-Being the first through the magic wall, and realizing I was alone with two silver wolves.

-Saving Fell Goats from Trolls, and then being bit by the goat. No gratitude.

-Doing an early morning survey of Tar golem loot with Polare.

-So much more, but most of all exstatic that everyone made this the best weekend I've had in years. Thanks.
- Getting another chance to get into character.
- Being able to provide first aid quicker and provide Earth magic to those in need.
- Trying my best to be of assistence in battle
- Training with Polare. (I really enjoyed that and I actually think I put some of the skills to use, even if it was against the undead sunday.)
- Finding out quite a few things that I didn't know before because I am still a Newbie and some people didn't know that. (I did read some of the book, but I didn't study the whole "how much body are you down" call. I mainly focused on "I call upon the Earth".)
- Being in a cool new setting for the event.
- Getting to know more of the players and trying very hard to remember their names O.o Oai...
- Running around like a scared little ninny, because I am still quite weak.
- Getting to see old friends.
- Sharing stories.
My goal with this new character was very much to get that "new adventurer" feeling again. Having not actually *played* any fell events in, like, forever, really helped.

Suddenly getting sucked onto a mod and realizing when I get there that I'm the only experienced player. Then, finding out that the people I was with were intelligent, fast, and knew what they were capable of and DID it. You guys were awesome.

Waking up and instantly having a friend because the other PC decided that I "acted right." Go OCS's. :P

Scouting with Teth, then, later, saying "there's that thing over there," and "goblin encampment? I know where that is."

Seeing the history I wrote being used already. And not on me. Mwahaha!

Leo's going to be around for a while, I think. Out of all the races to play in a fantasy game, I never thought I'd have this much fun playing a human. :)
The PCs trying to figure out how to stop Snare from regenerating. After going through all the carriers they could think of,

"is that a Snare?"
"WAS that a Snare?"

"use light he is atuned to darkness"
"Johnathan do you have a light?"
"I got five of them"
*dead silence for a moment*
"ok how do we kill him with it? With Mystic force I build a light! *THWACK!*

No effect...

"Killing blow him with it."
"How? do we cast in on the weapon?"
"Healing arts how long till you regenerate?"
"two and a half minutes"
"We better hurry."
*johnathan casts light on peals spear*
"Killing blow one, killing blow two, killing blow three, light. Healing arts are you regenerating?"

and of course. "He's worth 90 gold? Gregor can you evaluate this Goblin?"
and from an OOG perspective me asking Amber

"did you give bond the bad news?"
"About his Goats?"
"No his boots."
Hmm, let's see here...

-"Contracting" (wouldn't want to say "buying") my very own Nakia.

-Being a merchant is always fun. Lots of good merchantish transactions this weekend (nice to finally meet Velor too!).

-It's always fun being pulled into so many different plot threads. It's even better to be targeted by some of them. Being a target is far more fun than being a mere rubbernecker.

-Laying the smackdown as a Celestial caster. I found things other than binding to be useful in slots less than 9th level -- now THAT's rare!

-Lots of interesting treasure. The variety was great -- coin, objects d'art, lots of minor magic items, etc.

-Seeing old friends again -- Todd, you better keep coming back now ;). It was good to see Sarah done with her sabbatical as well.

-The Sunday morning science experiment with Eric.

-Popping the first spider queen's crucible and running before she could give me Enslavement commands. That was the only thing good to come out of that encounter, but it's always fun to get away with something like that right under the enemy's collective noses.

There's more but I would need to think of it. My poor right hand did a lot more swordfighting than usual, as my blisters can attest to (they came right through my existing calluses, ouch)
1 - Getting to play my old human version of Geezil again.
2 - *sarcasm* finding the gate to the park down Friday night. Live and learn!
3 - being scared to death of Kelly's Imprison Ninja
4 - being scared to death of In-character arguments and hiding in a corner
5 - being scared to death in general
6 - getting JP's troll his "dachary" and realizing that yes, carrying food and drinks in your bag can get you out of sticky situations.

Overall I enjoyed the event. I'm glad to be getting into the swing of things after not playing my character for quite some time. Hopefully next time I'll be a bit more prepared Friday night so I can get into game earlier.

BTW, Hayley, make sure to get those pics to me. I'm still working on setting up the new site and any pics would be mighty appreciated.

in no particular order

Hanging out with Kiarra.

Kicking rocks to say hello, that was too funny.

Kelly as the Resonance, first he rolls Alavatar for the egg, then he steals the orby thing from Elryion.

The expression on Kiarra's face when Daylynn was rifted out. Then how fast she ran back to where I rifted in screaming.

Talking to Shikar about seeing his cousin.

Having a conversation about how nice fur feels and watching Za'ze(sp) back further and further away. I just keep talking louder and louder to keep him involved in the conversation and he just keeps trying to back further and further away. I think he felt a little uncomfortable, especially after I offered what I offered.

Syndel for being confused in the tavern Saturday night/Sunday morning over a glass of wine.

Freaking out Polare, I was readying my gear and packet from the ground in normal fashion (on one knee). Polare looks over he see me with my hands clasped together (I was loading the packets) next to Kiarra, he though I was proposing. It was verry funny.

It was a ightly OOG but mostly IG momnet when we were down hanging in the cabin and we had Evad with us. Somehow the conversation turned to taking Aeris to the brothel on the pirate mod at the September event. Kelly has a very starled look on his face as says "I didn't need to hear that".

The whole mad or drunk conversation with the litigator.

I am sure that there is more, but that is all that comes to mind at the moment.
First off I just want to say thank you to everyone!! I had an absolute blast PCing this event and I am looking forward the the next few as well.

Cymryc said:
Hanging out with Kiarra.

Kicking rocks to say hello, that was too funny.

Hanging out with Daylynn and all our various conversations. And yes getting the drunk Daylynn to say hello to all the rocks on the ground was highly entertaining.

Cymryc said:
The expression on Kiarra's face when Daylynn was rifted out. Then how fast she ran back to where I rifted in screaming.

That was another one for me as well. She was so mad.

Talking to Shikar about seeing his cousin.

It was funny watching this conpsire from a distance and then talking about it later with both Daylynn and a very sleepy Shikar.

Having a conversation about how nice fur feels and watching Za'ze(sp) back further and further away. I just keep talking louder and louder to keep him involved in the conversation and he just keeps trying to back further and further away. I think he felt a little uncomfortable, especially after I offered what I offered.

Syndel for being confused in the tavern Saturday night/Sunday morning over a glass of wine.

Freaking out Polare, I was readying my gear and packet from the ground in normal fashion (on one knee). Polare looks over he see me with my hands clasped together (I was loading the packets) next to Kiarra, he though I was proposing. It was verry funny.

These were all great moments for me as well. And the look on Polare's face when he thought that Daylynn was proposing to Kiarra and then the look on both Daylynn and my own face.

It was a great event and I enjoyed all the RP I had with everyone.
The best parts for me were:

-Getting to use my new sword. (that thing rocks!)

-Getting a letter to meet someone I didn't know in a place I didn't know thinking oh crap I am finally going to get assassinated.

-Sharing that letter and my suspicions and having many people offer to come.

-Being on a LOT of mods. (I feel so loved)

-Meeting the person I didn't know and find out I wasnt going to be assassinated but was told I inherited a long quest and a forest of undead......boy was I releived :glum:

-JP as the wolf following around the Zebra freaking him out as everyone just sits and watches.

-Defending the portal and near the end just sitting by it talking to Leo and the new elf templar (I am sorry I dont know you)

-The undead battle! I was so happy when I got to roleplay my scar (I was too tired to play it out WELL but I still got to play it out)

-Seeing Amber with the only undead with a sword, I sit there and wait until shes close then just disarm her then when she respawns I do it again)

-Seeing the undead throwing ice then just binding him.

There are many more but my head dead....