BGAs and letters?

Jesse Grabowski

Hey folks,

Since we did not have a game due to snowpocalypse, we are going to hold off on BGAs this month.

However, we are going to allow letters if you need to send any that you feel might further personal goals or plotlines you are working on. ;-)

Deadline for letters will be Saturday the 23rd at midnight.

Can I push back on this a bit? A lot of us didn't get the opportunity to further a lot of our plotlines because the event was canceled. Allowing us to have BGAs would really allow some of us to progress on some of the plotlines we are interested in since the event didn't happen. I know it's a lot of work for you guys...but still it would be helpful and nice for us to do BGAs. Just another point to consider.
Even the Lowlanders showed up...We just got snowed in at friend's apartment in Parker! Had some Goblin plot I was looking forward to too.

Hoping to make it come May.